=== Post-Page-Association Plugin === Contributors: dhoppe Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=1220480 Tags: post, posts, page, pages, associate, attach, admin, content, cms Requires at least: 2.8.1 Tested up to: 2.9.1 Stable tag: trunk The Post-Page-Associator enables you to attach posts of the particular category to a page. == Description == The Post-Page-Associator enables you to attach posts of the particular category to a page. = Handling = The handling is very easy. Then you are editing a page you will see a new box with the title "Associate posts with this page". There you can choose a category which posts should attached to this page. Optionaly you can set the number of posts which should shown on the page. (The post order is from newest to oldest.) = It doesn't work! = If you are wondering why there are no associated posts then you view the page i guess your theme does not support associated posts. But don't worry. Go to WP Admin Panel -> Settings -> Reading and check the box "My Theme does not support associated posts. Append the posts to the end of the pages content." = ShortCode = In case you won't have the associated posts at the end of your page you can use the [associated_posts] Shortcode somewhere in your page content. This shortcode will only run one time. If you want to have more associated post listings in one page you can use [associated_posts enforce]. = For Theme Developers = If you want to integrate this plugin in your theme you should add these line to your functions.php: add_theme_support('associated_posts'); So the plugin knows that your theme supports associated posts and hides the "Append the posts to the end of the pages content." options from the user. As theme developer you can easy access to the associated posts via function: wp_plugin_associate_posts_and_pages::get_associated_posts ($post_id = Null, $limit = Null){ /* $post_id: the id of the page which associated posts you want to read. if $post_id = Null, the plugin will read from current page. $limit: the number of associated posts you want. if $limit = Null you will get as many posts as the user set up in the backend. */ } = Questions = If you have any questions you can leave a comment in my blog. == Installation == Installation as usual. 1. Unzip and Upload all files to a sub directory in "/wp-content/plugins/". 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Go to edit a page. 1. There is a new box with title "Associate posts with this page" == Changelog == = 1.1.1= * Bug Fix: Fixed the Auto Append Bug. = 1.1 = * Added Theme Support: If you use this plugin in your theme add these line to your functions.php: add_theme_support('associated_posts'); So the plugin knows that your theme supports associated posts. * Added new feature: You can make the plugin to show a thumb of the associated posts and an excerpt. = 1.0 = * Everything works fine.