get('Version') ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ryan_thinkup_child_frontscripts' ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hide blog options in customizer - Blog layout used // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ryan_thinkup_child_adminscripts() { if ( is_customize_preview() ) { // Add theme stylesheets wp_enqueue_style( 'ryan-thinkup-child-backend', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/styles/backend/style-backend.css', '', '' ); } } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'ryan_thinkup_child_adminscripts' ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update Options Array With Child Theme Color Values // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add child theme settings to options array - UPDATED 20180819 function ryan_thinkup_updateoption_child_settings() { // Set theme name combinations $name_theme_upper = 'Ryan'; $name_theme_lower = strtolower( $name_theme_upper ); // Set possible options names $name_options_free = 'thinkup_redux_variables'; $name_options_child = $name_theme_lower . '_thinkup_child_settings_dark'; // Get options values (theme options) $options_free = get_option( $name_options_free ); // Get child settinsg values $options_child_settings = get_option( $name_options_child ); // Only set child settings values if not already set if ( $options_child_settings != 1 ) { $options_free['thinkup_styles_skinswitch'] = '1'; $options_free['thinkup_styles_skin'] = 'dark'; $options_free['thinkup_blog_style'] = 'option1'; $options_free['thinkup_blog_style1layout'] = 'option2'; // Add child settings to theme options array update_option( $name_options_free, $options_free ); } // Set the child settings flag update_option( $name_options_child, 1 ); } add_action( 'init', 'ryan_thinkup_updateoption_child_settings', 999 ); // Remove child theme settings from options array - UPDATED 20180819 function ryan_thinkup_removeoption_child_settings() { // Set theme name combinations $name_theme_upper = 'Ryan'; $name_theme_lower = strtolower( $name_theme_upper ); // Set possible options names $name_options_free = 'thinkup_redux_variables'; $name_options_child = $name_theme_lower . '_thinkup_child_settings_dark'; // Get options values (theme options) $options_free = get_option( $name_options_free ); // Determine if Pro version is installed $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $theme ) { if( $theme == $name_theme_upper . ' Pro' ) { $indicator_pro_installed = '1'; } } // If Pro version is not installed then remove child settings on theme switch if ( $indicator_pro_installed !== '1' ) { $options_free['thinkup_styles_skinswitch'] = ''; $options_free['thinkup_styles_skin'] = ''; $options_free['thinkup_blog_style'] = ''; $options_free['thinkup_blog_style1layout'] = ''; // Add child settings to theme options array update_option( $name_options_free, $options_free ); } // Delete the child settings flag delete_option( $name_options_child ); } add_action('switch_theme', 'ryan_thinkup_removeoption_child_settings');