=== Rowling === Contributors: Anlino Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=anders%40andersnoren%2ese&lc=US&item_name=Free%20WordPress%20Themes%20from%20Anders%20Noren¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 5.0 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Installation == 1. Upload the theme 2. Activate the theme All theme specific options are handled through the WordPress Customizer. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Use the gallery post format 1. Go to Admin > Posts > Add New. 2. Select the "Gallery" post format in the Post Attributes box. 3. Click "Add Media" and upload the images you wish to display in the gallery. 4. Close the Media window and publish/update the post. 5. The images you uploaded should now be displayed in the post gallery. == Use the social menu in the header 1. Go to Admin > Appearance > Menus. 2. Create a new menu. 3. Click the "Links" dropdown in the left sidebar, and add the URL and title of the social link you wish to include. 4. Click "Add to Menu" to add it to the menu. Repeat for each link you wish to include. 5. Scroll down to "Menu Settings", and next to "Theme locations", select "Social Menu". Click save. 6. The menu should now be displayed on the site. == Licenses == Lato License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 Source: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lato Merriweather License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 Source: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Merriweather FontAwesome font License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 Source: http://www.fontawesome.io Included header image License: CC0 Public Domain Source: http://www.unsplash.com screenshot.png images License: CC0 Public Domain Source: http://www.unsplash.com Doubletaptogo.js License: MIT License Source: https://github.com/dachcom-digital/jquery-doubletaptogo Flexslider.js License: GNU GPL v2.0 Source: http://flexslider.woothemes.com == Changelog == Version 1.17 (2019-01-11) ------------------------- - Fixed the wrong heading being used for site title on singular Version 1.16 (2018-12-20) ------------------------- - Combined index.php, archive.php, and search.php into index.php - Combined content.php and content-gallery.php into content.php - Combined single.php and page.php into singular.php - Removed unneccessary title attributes - Improved the post grid layout by changing it from inline-block to flex - Removed meta tag setting a zoom limit - Removed CSS removing all outlines from links - Less aggressive letter-spacing on titles Version 1.15 (2018-12-07) ------------------------- - Fixed Gutenberg style changes required due to changes in the block editor CSS and classes - Fixed the Classic Block TinyMCE buttons being set to the wrong font Version 1.14 (2018-11-30) ------------------------- - Fixed Gutenberg editor styles font being overwritten Version 1.13 (2018-10-20) ------------------------- - Updated with Gutenberg support - Gutenberg editor styles - Styling of Gutenberg blocks - Custom Rowling Gutenberg palette - Custom Rowling Gutenberg typography styles - Added option to disable Google Fonts with a translateable string - Improved compatibility with PHP < 5.5 - Updated theme description - Removed the languages sub folder, since that is handled by WordPress.org - Slight style tweaks Version 1.12 (2018-05-24) ------------------------- - Fixed output of cookie checkbox in comments Version 1.11 (2017-12-12) ------------------------- - Fixed recent posts issue with the current post Version 1.10 (2017-12-03) ------------------------- - Fixed the author description output being broken on single.php due to 4.9 wrapping the description field in a paragraph - Removed link wrapper around title and post thumbnail on singular Version 1.09 (2017-12-03) ------------------------- - Fixed post-content intro paragraph (.intro) not being targeted by the customizer accent color setting Version 1.08 (2017-12-03) ------------------------- - Updated to the new readme.txt format, with changelog.txt incorporated into it - Added a demo link to the stylesheet theme description - Added a deliberate dependency order to the stylesheet enqueueing - Same for scripts enqueues - Made all functions in functions.php pluggable - Replaced a new WP_Query in widgets/recent-posts.php with a get_posts() - Fixed genericons path - Fixed notice in comments.php - Changed closing element comment structure - General code cleanup, improvements in readability - Fixed potential overflow issue on mobile for the blog title and logo - Restructured the related posts query to be more lean Version 1.07 (2017-11-30) ------------------------- - Fixed warnings in comments.php Version 1.06 (2017-11-24) ------------------------- - Fixed notices in comments.php - Made theme strings translateable in index.php and comments.php Version 1.05 (2016-06-18) ------------------------- - Added the new theme directory tags – Tweaked footer style and structure Version 1.04 (2015-08-11) ------------------------- - Added clearing divs after the post content on single posts/pages - Changed the titles on single posts/pages to H1 elements for SEO benefits - Fixed so that Jetpack Tiled Galleries plays nice with the related posts field - Fixed so that img#wpstats is hidden - Changed post title on 404 from h2 to h1 for SEO reasons - Fixed so that widgets use __construct() in prep for WP 4.3 Version 1.03 (2015-04-07) ------------------------- - Added some missing PHP functions to the footer Version 1.02 (2015-02-28) ------------------------- - Renamed lovecraft.pot to rowling.pot. This is why you don't do two themes at once, kids. Version 1.01 (2015-02-23) ------------------------- - Replaced doubletaptogo.min.js with doubletaptogo.js (non-minified version) - Replaced flexslider.min.js with flexslider.js (non-minified version) - Replaced fontawesome.min.css with fontawesome.css (non-minified version) - Renamed xx_XX.pot to rowling.pot - Added theme text-domain to style.css - Removed wp_is_mobile() from functions.php - Added theme function prefix to html_js_class() in functions.php - Changed home_url() to home_url('/') in header.php Version 1.00 (2015-02-03) -------------------------