== Changelog == = 1.3.6 = * Tweak - Add light shade styling to substitute players in SportsPress. * Tweak - Adjust custom header background styling to cover header area in mobile. * Fix - Recover search form option in customizer. = 1.3.5 = * Tweak - Simplify mobile menu label. * Tweak - Add filters to footer section and customizer. = 1.3.4 = * Fix - Missing bracket in custom CSS generator. * Localization - Update Polish translation. = 1.3.3 = * Feature - Add options to display post date and author. * Fix - Header text color not applying. = 1.3.2 = * Feature - Add checkbox to toggle advanced color selectors in customizer. * Tweak - Event blocks link color. * Tweak - Apply link color to team results. * Tweak - Team name inherits font weight in events. * Tweak - Update template structure for SportsPress. * Tweak - Adjust comment author widths in framework. * Tweak - Make entry meta link styling more uniform. * Tweak - Add class to header area indicating presence of search form. * Tweak - Increase calendar cell height on larger displays. * Tweak - Remove margins on archive and search result titles. * Tweak - Allow logos to float in templates. * Tweak - Adjust post meta margins. * Tweak - Headings within table captions to inherit font size. * Tweak - Style staff names to match player names. * Tweak - Float venue only in full width template. * Tweak - Declare support for Social Sidebar and News Widget. * Fix - Menu hover styling. * Fix - Quote citing color not applying correctly. * Fix - Search bar visibility not reflecting default option. * Fix - Responsive footer padding to match main content padding. * Fix - Allow single-column galleries. * Fix - Custom header text color not applying in some cases. * Refactor - Remove single event template in favor of custom template selection. * Localization - Update source strings. * Localization - Update Polish, French, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Czech, Tamil, Persian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Norwegian translations. * License - Update license dates to 2016. = 1.3.1 = * Tweak - Move menu search option to site identity section in customizer. * Tweak - Use entity code in search form. * Tweak - Apply widget text color to footer region. * Tweak - Remove unused bash file. * Fix - Sidebar getting pushed down on some iOS devices. * Security - Sanitize header search checkbox. * Localization - Adjust search bar design in RTL stylesheet. * Localization - Update source strings. * Localization - Update Spanish and French translations. = 1.3 = * Feature - Add option to display search form in navigation menu. * Tweak - Remove footer logo and style 3 widget regions to match main content area. * Tweak - Display magnifying glass icon in search widget. * Tweak - Wrap header area with functions to enable rearranging via child themes. * Tweak - Add support for SportsPress Pro templates. * Tweak - Style entry meta to match archive pages. * Fix - Footer and sidebar syntax on 404 page. * Localization - Make color labels more specific. * Localization - Update Czech, Italian, and Polish translations. = 1.2.1 = * Tweak - Add classes to header area indicating presence of a logo. * Tweak - Select gallery items by element in stylesheet. * Tweak - Simplify 404 page. * Fix - White space in event template. * Compatibility - Update TGM Plugin Activation. * Localization - Update Armenian, Finnish, and Czech translations. = 1.2 = * Feature - New footer widget area. * Feature - Display layered submenu items in responsive menu. * Tweak - Add wrapper to header widgets and post thumbnails. * Refactor - Use a single template for standard SportsPress post types. * Refactor - Use full-width template for SportsPress events and tournaments. * Fix - RTL styling for lists and table cells. * Fix - Inconsisten header styling. * Localization - Update Armenian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish translations. * Compatibility - Add Mega Slider support. * Documentation - Add Theme URI to stylesheet. * Documentation - Add credits.txt for translation credits. = 1.1.1 = * Fix - Full width template styling. * Localization - Add language files. = 1.1 = * Feature - New widgetized homepage template. * Feature - Enable multilevel navigation on mobile. * Tweak - Add full-width selector to content. * Tweak - Add minimum height and box shadow to custom header image. * Tweak - Nudge sticky post icon. * Refactor - Load framework separately before main stylesheet. * Fix - Post thumbnail appearing twice in generic content template. * Fix - Date and category elements overlapping title on archive pages. = 1.0.1 = * Feature - Add TGM plugin activation for SportsPress functionality. * Fix - Full width template styling. * Localization - Add jQuery Timeago locales and only load when localized. = 1.0 = * Tweak - Default to dark grey header text color. * Fix - RTL stylesheet not loading. = 0.9.8 = * Feature - Add custom header support. * Tweak - Update screenshot to show theme without SportsPress plugin installed. * Refactor - Change name of serialized option to themeboy. * Refactor - Enqueue theme skin separately to simplify child theme development. = 0.9.7 = * Fix - Check if logo url is empty before adding to header. * Fix - Text domain not set to rookie. * Tweak - Adjust margins below tables. * Security - Sanitize checkbox and default to false. = 0.9.6 = * Feature - Option to add logo in header, defaulting to none. * Feature - Option to show or hide site name and tagline, defaulting to show. * Tweak - Footer styling to be below content box. * Tweak - Remove link from single page title. * Fix - Inconsistent content width in functions. * Compatibility - Add styling to support tournament brackets extension. * Security - Sanitize logo option as url. = 0.9.5 = * Feature - Add ability to insert logo into header. * Feature - Add single team and staff templates. * Refactor - Merge customizer settings into single option. * Fix - Comment author avatar pushing down other elements. * Localization - Add RTL stylesheet. = 0.9.4 = * Tweak - Separate content and widget areas with thin line. = 0.9.3 = * Feature - Stylize sticky posts with icon. * Fix - Long words overflowing in menu. * License - Add Google Fonts license information in readme file. * Documentation - Add explanation of sportspress.php template in readme file. * Documentation - Add theme URI line in stylesheet. = 0.9.2 = * License - Add license.txt file and license information in readme file. * Security - Put blank index.php files in assets and other directories. * Security - Sanitize values from option tables prior to output. = 0.9.1 = * Feature - Add editor style. * Tweak - Style main links as tabs above submenus in navigation. * Compatibility - Support WordPress 4.1 title tag with fallback for earlier versions. * Localization - Update source language file. = 0.9 = * Initial beta release.