== Changelog == = 1.1.8 = * Fix: Failed to Load Editor styles fix = 1.1.7 = * Update: added Xing as an option to social media icon menu = 1.1.6 = * Fix: background image glitch = 1.1.5 = * Fix: fixed issue where Rise Post Format Options were not showing in the theme customizer = 1.1.4 = * Fix: minor bug fixes with admin pages = 1.1.3 = * Update: updated to current WordPress repository standards based on theme review = 1.0.19 = * Update: updated to current WordPress repository standards based on theme review = 1.0.17 = * Update: styled the 404 and Search page templates to match theme styles = 1.0.16 = * Fix: removed http from Skype social icons = 1.0.14 = * Update: Tested with WordPress 4.5, Updating Font Awesome icons to 4.6, Added Snapchat and Weibo social icon options = 1.0.0 = * New Theme!