Changelog Legend: [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- (25/02/2014) - The initial public release - Version 1.0.1 [+] Added copyright notices for all used images and JavaScript files. [*] Changed the icons. [*] Changed Theme URL. [*] Edited the main query function in index.php and all archive templates. [x] Removed custom shortcodes from functions.php. [x] Removed Theme Options link from the Admin Bar. [x] Removed Color settings tab from Theme Options. [!] Added escaping for output of restimpo_get_own_css() function. [!] Added escaping for output of home_url function in searchform.php. ---- (21/02/2014) - The initial testing release - Version 1.0.0