> '; } /** * Show featured image * * * * */ $thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'single-post-thumbnail'); if(has_post_thumbnail() and isset($thumb) and $is_IE){ /*IE8 img element has width height attribute. and style max-width and height auto makes conflict expand height*/ $thumbnailsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'single-post-thumbnail'); $thumbnailuri = esc_url($thumbnailsrc[0]); $thumbnailwidth = $thumbnailsrc[1]; if($thumbnailwidth > $content_width){ $thumbnailheight = $thumbnailsrc[2]; $ratio = round(RAINDROPS_SINGLE_POST_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT/ RAINDROPS_SINGLE_POST_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH,2); $ie_height = round($content_width * $ratio); $thumbnail_title = basename($thumbnailsrc[0]); $thumbnail_title = esc_attr($thumbnail_title); $size_attribute = image_hwstring($content_width, $ie_height); echo '
'; echo ''.$thumbnail_title.''; echo '
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'; } } /** * Show Category base special layout and default single template part * * * * */ switch($cat){ case ('blog'): //category blog get_template_part("part","blog"); break; // category gallery case("gallery"): get_template_part("part","gallery"); break; //another single page default: get_template_part("part"); if(WP_DEBUG == true){ echo ''; } }// end switch($cat) }// endwhile ?> max_num_pages > 1 ){ ?>