msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Rainbow Flag Theme\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-03 13:57+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-03 14:01+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Gordon \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop;_e;__\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-Language: German\n" "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ../\n" #: ..//404.php:14 msgid "404: Oops... Seite nicht gefunden." msgstr "404: Oops... Page not found." #: ..//404.php:15 msgid "Der Inhalt wurde von bösen Monstern geklaut!" msgstr "The content has been stolen by bad monsters!" #: ..//404.php:16 msgid "Suche einfach oben in der Naviagation oder rechts in der Sidebar nach dem rechten Weg ;-)" msgstr "Search in the top navigation or in the right sidebar for the right way ;-)" #: ..//archive.php:17 msgid "Tagesarchiv" msgstr "Daily archive" #: ..//archive.php:19 #: ..//sidebar.php:8 msgid "Archiv" msgstr "Archive" #: ..//archive.php:21 msgid "Jahresarchiv" msgstr "Year archive" #: ..//archive.php:23 msgid "Blogarchiv" msgstr "Blog archive" #: ..//category.php:6 #: ..//single.php:29 msgid "Kategorie" msgstr "Category" #: ..//comments.php:4 msgid "Dieser Post ist passwortgeschützt." msgstr "This article is protected with a password." #: ..//comments.php:11 msgid "Auf dieses Thema gibt es [noch keine Reaktion|eine Reaktion|%n Reaktionen]" msgstr "There are [no comments|one comment|%n comments] for this subject." #: ..//comments.php:23 msgid "« Ältere Kommentare" msgstr "« older comments" #: ..//comments.php:24 msgid "Weitere Kommentare »" msgstr "more comments »" #: ..//comments.php:34 msgid "Es sind keine Kommentare erlaubt." msgstr "No comments allowed." #: ..//comments.php:40 msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" #: ..//comments.php:42 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: ..//comments.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: ..//comments.php:49 msgid "Kommentar" msgstr "Comment" #: ..//comments.php:50 #, php-format msgid "You must be logged in to post a comment." msgstr "You must be logged in to post a comment." #: ..//comments.php:51 #, php-format msgid "Logged in as %2$s. Log out?" msgstr "Logged in as %2$s. Log out?" #: ..//comments.php:52 msgid "Deine E-Mail Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht." msgstr "Your email address will not be published." #: ..//comments.php:53 #, php-format msgid "You may use these HTML tags and attributes: %s" msgstr "You may use these HTML tags and attributes: %s" #: ..//comments.php:56 msgid "Kommentar hinterlassen" msgstr "Leave a comment" #: ..//comments.php:57 #, php-format msgid "Hinterlasse eine Antwort zu %s" msgstr "Leave a answer to %s" #: ..//comments.php:58 msgid "Kommentar Abbrechen" msgstr "Chancel the comment" #: ..//comments.php:59 msgid "Kommentar senden" msgstr "Send the comment" #: ..//functions.php:82 msgid "Dein Kommentar wird in Kürze freigegeben." msgstr "A administrator will check your comment soon." #: ..//header.php:11 msgid "Seite" msgstr "Page" #: ..//header.php:24 msgid "Zur Startseite" msgstr "Home" #: ..//loop.php:2 msgid "Nichts gefunden!" msgstr "Nothing found!" #: ..//loop.php:3 msgid "Es wurde kein entsprechender Artikel gefunden." msgstr "Couldn't find an article." #: ..//loop.php:15 msgid "Von" msgstr "From" #: ..//loop.php:15 msgid "um" msgstr "at" #: ..//loop.php:22 #: ..//loop.php:48 msgid "Weiterlesen »" msgstr "Read more »" #: ..//loop.php:28 #: ..//loop.php:55 msgid "Katogrie(n)" msgstr "Categorie(s)" #: ..//loop.php:30 msgid "Kommentar verfassen" msgstr "Leave a comment" #: ..//loop.php:30 msgid "Ein Kommentar" msgstr "One commentar" #: ..//loop.php:30 msgid "% Kommentare" msgstr "% comments" #: ..//loop.php:54 msgid "Geschrieben von" msgstr "Written by" #: ..//loop.php:57 msgid "Kommentare" msgstr "Comments" #: ..//loop.php:63 msgid "Über" msgstr "About" #: ..//loop.php:66 msgid "Alle Einträge von" msgstr "All entries from" #: ..//loop.php:81 msgid "← Ältere Artikel" msgstr "← older article" #: ..//loop.php:82 msgid "Weiter Artikel →" msgstr "More article →" #: ..//page.php:18 #: ..//single.php:21 msgid "Seiten:" msgstr "Pages:" #: ..//page.php:19 msgid "Bearbeiten" msgstr "Edit" #: ..//search.php:5 msgid "Suchergebnisse für" msgstr "Search results for" #: ..//searchform.php:3 msgid "Suchen" msgstr "Search" #: ..//sidebar.php:14 #: ..//single.php:27 msgid "Schlagwörter" msgstr "Tags" #: ..//sidebar.php:20 msgid "Seiten" msgstr "Pages" #: ..//sidebar.php:26 msgid "Kategorien" msgstr "Categories" #: ..//single.php:33 msgid "Artikel bearbeiten" msgstr "Edit article" #~ msgid "← Vorheriger Artikel" #~ msgstr "← previous article" #~ msgid "→ Nächster Artikel" #~ msgstr "next article →" #~ msgid "Your email address will not be published." #~ msgstr "Your email address will not be published." #~ msgid "Leave a Reply to %s" #~ msgstr "Leave a Reply to %s" #~ msgid "Tags" #~ msgstr "Tags"