'postMessage' instead of the default 'transport' * => 'refresh' * * Used by hook: 'customize_preview_init' * * @see add_action('customize_preview_init',$func) * @since MyTheme 1.0 */ public static function LivePreview() { /*TO DO - Implement Live Preview using Javascript and postMessage Transport*/ //wp_enqueue_script( 'quest-customizer-preview', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/customizer/assets/js/customizer-preview.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', true ); } public static function PrintPBCss() { global $post; if ( !quest_is_pb_template() ) { return; } do_action( 'quest_pb_header_css' ); $css = "\n/* Hover Icons */\n"; $sections = PT_PageBuilder_Helper::decode_pb_section_metadata( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'pt_pb_sections', true ) ); foreach ( $sections as $key => $section ) { $css .= self::BuildSectionCss( $section ); if ( ! is_numeric( $key ) || ! array_key_exists( 'row', $section ) || empty( $section['row'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $section['row'] as $j => $row ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $j ) || ! array_key_exists( 'col', $row ) || empty( $row['col'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $row['col'] as $k => $col ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $k ) || ! array_key_exists( 'module', $col ) || empty( $col['module'] ) ) { continue; } if ( is_array( $col['module'] ) && ! array_key_exists( 'id', $col['module'] ) ) { foreach ( $col['module'] as $l => $module ) { if ( $module['type'] === 'hovericon' ) { $css .= self::BuildHoverIconCss( $module ); } $css .= apply_filters( "pt_pb_css_module_{$module['type']}", '', $module ); } } elseif ( isset( $col['module']['type'] ) ) { if ( $col['module']['type'] === 'hovericon' ) { $css .= self::BuildHoverIconCss( $col['module'] ); } $css .= apply_filters( "pt_pb_css_module_{$col['module']['type']}", '', $col['module'] ); } } } } echo $css; } public static function BodyClasses( $classes ) { global $post; if ( quest_is_pb_template() && quest_get_meta( array(), '_quest_pb_header' ) === 'transparent' ) { $classes[] = 'transparent-header'; } return $classes; } public static function PBHeaderCss() { $color = quest_get_meta( array(), '_quest_pb_menu' ); $hover_color = quest_get_meta( array(), '_quest_pb_menu_hover' ); ?> @media (min-width: 768px) { .transparent-header .main-header, .transparent-header .main-header a, .transparent-header .main-header .main-navigation .nav > li > a { color: ; } .transparent-header .main-header a:hover, .transparent-header .main-header .main-navigation .nav > li > a:hover, .transparent-header .main-header .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-item > a, .transparent-header .main-header .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-parent > a { color: ; } .transparent-header .main-header .navbar-toggle a:hover{ color: !important; } .transparent-header .main-header .navbar-toggle a:hover.fa{ color: !important; } .transparent-header .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-item, .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-parent{ border-color: !important; } } quest_get_mod( 'typography_global_font_family' ), 'typography_global_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_global_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h1_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h1_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h1_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h1_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h2_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h2_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h2_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h2_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h3_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h3_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h3_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h3_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h4_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h4_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h4_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h4_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h5_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h5_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h5_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h5_font_variant' ), 'typography_heading_h6_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h6_font_family' ), 'typography_heading_h6_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_heading_h6_font_variant' ), 'typography_menu_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_menu_font_family' ), 'typography_menu_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_menu_font_variant' ), 'typography_menu_sub_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_menu_sub_font_family' ), 'typography_menu_sub_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_menu_sub_font_variant' ), 'typography_site_title_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_site_title_font_family' ), 'typography_site_title_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_site_title_font_variant' ), 'typography_site_tagline_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_site_tagline_font_family' ), 'typography_site_tagline_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_site_tagline_font_variant' ), 'typography_sidebar_title_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_sidebar_title_font_family' ), 'typography_sidebar_title_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_sidebar_title_font_variant' ), 'typography_sidebar_body_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_sidebar_body_font_family' ), 'typography_sidebar_body_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_sidebar_body_font_variant' ), 'typography_footer_title_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_title_font_family' ), 'typography_footer_title_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_title_font_variant' ), 'typography_footer_body_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_body_font_family' ), 'typography_footer_body_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_body_font_variant' ), 'typography_footer_text_font_family' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_text_font_family' ), 'typography_footer_text_font_variant' => quest_get_mod( 'typography_footer_text_font_variant' ) ); $used_fonts = array(); $defaults = array_keys( quest_get_standard_fonts() ); foreach ( $fonts as $key => $value ) { if ( quest_string_ends_with( $key, '_family' ) && trim( $value ) !== "" && ! in_array( $value, $defaults ) ) { $variant = quest_get_default_mod( str_replace( '_family', '_variant', $key ), $fonts ); $used_fonts[ $value ] = array_key_exists( $value, $used_fonts ) ? ( strpos( $used_fonts[ $value ], $variant ) !== false ) ? $used_fonts[ $value ] : "$used_fonts[$value],$variant" : "$value:$variant"; } } $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $query_args = array( 'family' => str_replace( " ", "+", implode( '|', array_values( $used_fonts ) ) ), 'subset' => implode( ',', quest_get_mod( 'typography_options_subsets' ) ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'google-fonts', add_query_arg( $query_args, "$protocol://fonts.googleapis.com/css" ), array(), null ); } public static function PrintCss() { global $post; $is_pagebuilder = false; if ( null !== $post && get_page_template_slug( $post->ID ) === 'page-builder.php' ) { $is_pagebuilder = true; } $accent_color = quest_get_mod( 'colors_global_accent' ); $accent_shade_color = quest_get_mod( 'colors_global_accent_shade' ); $border_color = quest_get_mod( 'colors_global_border' ); $title_text = quest_get_mod( 'colors_title_text' ); $footer_text = quest_get_mod( 'colors_footer_text' ); ?> /* Theme/Text Colors */ .entry-content blockquote,.action-icon.normal,.action, .pagination>.active>a, .pagination .current, .pagination>.active>span, .pagination>.active>a:hover, .pagination>.active>span:hover, .pagination>.active>a:focus, .pagination>.active>span:focus, .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-item, .main-navigation .nav > li.current-menu-parent { border-color: ; 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