Punchcut is ready to be translated to your language. Please follow these simple instructions: 1. Download the latest language pack from http://github.com/jestro/punchcut_languages (click the download button at the top). 2. Unzip the package and find the .po and .mo files for your language. 3. Create a /languages directory within your Punchcut theme directory or your Punchcut child theme directory and copy the .po and .mo files into that directory. 4. Define your language in your wp-config.php file. Please help with translating Punchcut! We have provided the punchcut.po and punchcut.mo files as a starting point for translating Punchcut into your language. If you have a completed translation and would like us to include it in the language pack please send your .po and .mo files to themes {at} jestro.com.