=')) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/Browser.php'); $c12_browser = new Browser(); $browser = $c12_browser->getBrowser(); $browser_ver = $c12_browser->getVersion(); if ($browser == Browser::BROWSER_IE && $browser_ver <= 7){ $c12_config_ie=1; } $c12_browser_ie_ALL = new Browser(); $browser2 = $c12_browser_ie_ALL->getBrowser(); if ($browser2 == Browser::BROWSER_IE){ $c12_config_ieALL=1; } }else {$c12_config_ie='';$c12_config_ieALL='';} $this_theme = "Producer"; $themeoptionsprefix = "Producer"; $options = array(); $sidebarpos=array('1','2','3'); $sidebarpos321=array('3','2','1'); $yesnoops=array('yes','no'); $arrnumposts=array('4','5','6','7','8','9','10'); $numfeaturedarr=array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20'); $showhidearr=array('show','hide'); $deactivateactivate=array('deactivate','activate'); $activatedeactivate=array('activate','deactivate'); $sidebar2widgetspos=array('1','2'); $textalignlc=array('center','left','right'); $offonops=array('off','on'); $onoffops=array('on','off'); $onoffopswithselect=array('Select On or Off','on','off'); $singlepageadsensepositions=array('left','right','above post title','below post title','below post content'); $displayorder=array('DESC','ASC'); $tierxpos=array('under tier one','under tier two'); $showhideops=array('show','hide'); $hideshowops=array('hide','show'); $widgetsmodeops=array('static','widgets'); $totalcolumnsops=array('1','2','3'); $excerptorfullops=array('full','excerpt'); $excerptorfullopsindex=array('Choose One','full','excerpt','style1','style2','style3'); $homesidebarops=array('Sidebar One','Sidebar Two','No Sidebar'); $headerrowposops=array('1','2','3','4'); $hmenupageorcat=array('pages','categories'); $rssfeedburnericonops=array('Center','Float Left','Float Right','Hide'); global $c12_config_ie; if($c12_config_ie == 1) { $liststyles=array('arrow','none','circle','square','disc'); } else { $liststyles=array('line','arrow','none','circle','square','disc'); } $borderstyles=array('solid','dotted','dashed','double','groove','ridge','inset','outset'); $borderwidthops=array('5','4','3','2','1'); $thecatlist_A = get_categories('hide_empty=0'); $catdlist = array(); // VARIABLES foreach ($thecatlist_A as $catforlist) { $thecatname=$catforlist->cat_name; $thecatname=str_replace("&","&",$thecatname); $catdlist[$catforlist->cat_ID] = $thecatname; } $categories_tmp = array_unshift($catdlist, "Select a category:"); $menuicoProducer=''; $sop=__("Select Option"); $selcat=__("Select Category"); $sel12=__("Select 1 or 2"); $o1=__("Turn On or Off the Magazine Layout"); $o2=__("To activate or deactivate the magazine layout select off or on"); $o3=__("Magazine layout mode"); $o4=__("Select widgets to place the featured category items where you want them and intermix them with other widgets. Select static to use magazine layout as packaged"); $o7=__("Site Tracking Code Example: Google Analytics"); $o8=__("Using Goolge Analytics? You can enter your code above."); $o9=__("Site Logo"); $o10=__("You can replace the text title with a logo by entering the logo URL here Note:include http://"); $o11=__("Show/Hide leaderboard Space"); $o12=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display leaderboard content space"); $o13=__("Leaderboard Space Content"); $o14=__("Content for the leaderboard space under the date/search bar"); $o15=__("Leaderboard content text position"); $o16=__("Select left to align leaderboard content to left or center to align to center"); $authordatebylineshowhide1=__("Show/Hide author date byline index","Producer"); $authordatebylineshowhide2=__("Select show to display or hide to conceal the author/date byline on index pages in blog mode","Producer"); $authordatebylineshowhide3=__("Show/Hide author date byline archives/categories","Producer"); $authordatebylineshowhide4=__("Select show to display or hide to conceal the author/date byline on archives/categories pages","Producer"); $authordatebylineshowhide5=__("Show/Hide author date byline search","Producer"); $authordatebylineshowhide6=__("Select show to display or hide to conceal the author/date byline on search results pages","Producer"); $indexpageexcerptorfull1=__("Regular blog mode index page excerpt or full content","Producer"); $indexpageexcerptorfull2=__("For non-magazine mode, select excerpt to display excerpt or full content to display full post content on index page. Select style 1 or style 2 for additional layout options. [ Note that style2 displays the same as style 1 in Internet Explorer 6 ] Select style 3 for slideshow layout option. Note that sidebars are automatically hidden with style3 layout. You can add sidebar content and other widgets in Home Column One, Home Column Two and Home Column Three and they will show up underneath your slideshow content in 3 columns.","Producer"); $indexpageexcerptlength1=__("Regular blog mode index page excerpt length","Producer"); $indexpageexcerptlength2=__("If using excerpts instead of full post content on the blog mode index page enter how long should the excerpt be in characters? Example 200, 500.","Producer"); $archivepageexcerptorfull1=__("Archive page excerpt or full content","Producer"); $archivepageexcerptorfull2=__("Select excerpt to display excerpt or full content to display full post content on archive/categories page","Producer"); $archivepageexcerptlength1=__("Archive page excerpt length","Producer"); $archivepageexcerptlength2=__("If using excerpts instead of full post content on archive/categories page enter how long should the excerpt be in characters? Example 200, 500.","Producer"); $searchpageexcerptorfull1=__("Search page excerpt or full content","Producer"); $searchpageexcerptorfull2=__("Select excerpt to display excerpt or full content to display full post content on search results page","Producer"); $searchpageexcerptlength1=__("Search page excerpt length","Producer"); $searchpageexcerptlength2=__("If using excerpts instead of full post content on search results page enter how long should the excerpt be in characters? Example 200, 500.","Producer"); // Layout Elements $layoutelementsoname=__("Layout Elements"); // Layout Elements Columns $layout_totalcolumns=__("Magazine layout"); $layout_totalcolumns_des=__("For static mode there are 2 available layouts. Select the one you prefer to use. Layout 3 will not adhere to your Magazine Sidebar selection. layout 3 is built to use 2 sidebars."); $layout_whichsidebar_home=__("Sidebar for magazine home page"); $layout_whichsidebar_home_des=__("In magazine mode the front page uses only 1 sidebar. Which sidebar do you want to use?."); // Layout Elements Sidebars $sidebar1=__("Sidebar One Position"); $sidebar1a=__("1 for left 2 for middle 3 for right. If value is same as Sidebar Two position layout will adjust itself where sidebar 1 will take precedence and sidebar 2 will be assigned new value. For homepage value 3 is obsolete and treated like 2"); $sidebar1b=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on single post pages"); $sidebar1c=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar One on single post pages"); $sidebar1d=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on archive/category pages"); $sidebar1e=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar One on archive/category pages"); $sidebar1f=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on static pages"); $sidebar1g=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar One on static pages."); $sidebar1h=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on 404 page"); $sidebar1i=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar One on 404 pages"); $sidebar1j=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on search result pages"); $sidebar1k=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar One on search result pages"); $sidebar1l=__("Show/Hide Sidebar One on index page with magazine mode turned off"); $sidebar1m=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on the index page while running theme in regular blog mode"); $sidebar2=__("Sidebar Two Position"); $sidebar2a=__("1 for left 2 for middle 3 for right. If value is same as Sidebar One position layout will adjust itself where sidebar 1 will take precedence and sidebar 2 will be assigned new value. For homepage value 3 is obsolete and treated like 2"); $sidebar2b=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on single post pages"); $sidebar2c=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on single post pages"); $sidebar2d=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on archive/category pages"); $sidebar2e=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on archive/category pages"); $sidebar2f=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on static pages"); $sidebar2g=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on static pages"); $sidebar2h=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on 404 page"); $sidebar2i=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on 404 pages"); $sidebar2j=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on search result pages"); $sidebar2k=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on search result pages"); $sidebar2l=__("Show/Hide Sidebar Two on index page with magazine mode turned off"); $sidebar2m=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display Sidebar Two on the index page while running theme in regular blog mode"); $homecol1=__("Home Column 1 Position"); $homecol1a=__("Select 1,2,3 or 4"); $stickyoptions1=__("Show/Hide sticky posts on home page?"); $stickyoptions1a=__("Select show to display or hide to conceal Sticky Posts on home page. When displayed will appear above featured categories."); $stickyoptions2=__("H2 Title for Sticky Posts block"); $stickyoptions2a=__("What text should appear in the H2 header for the sticky posts block?"); $stickyoptions3=__("Toggle Sticky Posts text"); $stickyoptions3a=__("If you prefer the toggle Sticky Posts text to be something else enter your preferred anchor text."); $stickyoptions4=__("Sticky Posts how many posts?"); $stickyoptions4a=__("Number of Sticky Posts to show?"); $stickyoptions5=__("Sticky Posts Excerpt Length"); $stickyoptions5a=__("The first sticky topic uses an excerpt. How many characters should the excerpt contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $styleA=__("RSS Search row header position"); $styleB=__("Header contains 4 row elements. Which position should the RSS/Search row hold when activated?"); $styleC=__("Horizontal navigation menu row header position"); $styleD=__("Header contains 4 row elements. Which position should the horizontal navigation menu row hold when activated?"); $styleE=__("Logo and slogan row header position"); $styleF=__("Header contains 4 row elements. Which position should the row containing site title/logo and description hold?"); $styleG=__("Leaderboard ad space row header position"); $styleH=__("Header contains 4 row elements. Which position should the leaderboard ad space row hold when activated?"); // Featured Categories $featuredcategoriesoname=__("Featured Categories"); $featuredcategories1=__("Featured Category #1"); $featuredcategories1a=__("Select your first featured category"); $featuredcategories1b=__("#1 How many main posts?"); $featuredcategories1c=__("Number of main posts to show for featured category #1. Main posts are the posts with picture"); $featuredcategories1ba=__("#1 How many sub posts?"); $featuredcategories1ca=__("Number of sub posts to show for featured category #1. Sub posts are the posts with only a headline in a list."); $featuredcategories1d=__("#1 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories1e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 1 main posts contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories2=__("Featured Category #2"); $featuredcategories2a=__("Select your second featured category"); $featuredcategories2b=__("#2 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories2c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #2"); $featuredcategories2d=__("#2 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories2e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 2 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories3=__("Featured Category #3"); $featuredcategories3a=__("Select your third featured category"); $featuredcategories3b=__("#3 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories3c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #3"); $featuredcategories3d=__("#3 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories3e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 3 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories4=__("Featured Category #4"); $featuredcategories4a=__("Select your fourth featured category"); $featuredcategories4b=__("#4 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories4c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #4"); $featuredcategories4d=__("#4 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories4e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 4 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories5=__("Featured Category #5"); $featuredcategories5a=__("Select your fifth featured category"); $featuredcategories5b=__("#5 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories5c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #5"); $featuredcategories5d=__("#5 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories5e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 5 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories6=__("Featured Category #6"); $featuredcategories6a=__("Select your sixth featured category"); $featuredcategories6b=__("#6 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories6c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #6"); $featuredcategories6d=__("#6 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories6e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 6 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories7=__("Featured Category #7"); $featuredcategories7a=__("Select your seventh featured category"); $featuredcategories7b=__("#7 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories7c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #7"); $featuredcategories7d=__("#7 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories7e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 7 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories8=__("Featured Category #8"); $featuredcategories8a=__("Select your eight featured category"); $featuredcategories8b=__("#8 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories8c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #8"); $featuredcategories8d=__("#8 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories8e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 8 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories9=__("Featured Category #9"); $featuredcategories9a=__("Select your eight featured category"); $featuredcategories9b=__("#9 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories9c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #9"); $featuredcategories9d=__("#9 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories9e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 9 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $featuredcategories10=__("Featured Category #10"); $featuredcategories10a=__("Select your eight featured category"); $featuredcategories10b=__("#10 How many posts?"); $featuredcategories10c=__("Number of posts to show for featured category #10"); $featuredcategories10d=__("#10 Excerpt Length"); $featuredcategories10e=__("If applicable, how many characters should the excerpt in featured category 10 contain? Example: 200, 375, 500"); $o41=__("Comment form on Post Pages"); $o42=__("Do you want posts of the type Page to have a comment form?"); $o47=__("State of default no image thumbnail"); $o48=__("If you prefer not to use a no image thumbnail for posts that have no image change state to off"); $includecatdes1=__("Include Category Description under title"); $includecatdes2=__("Select yes to display or no to conceal category description text on category pages"); $showpostmetaonindex1=__("Show/Hide post meta on index"); $showpostmetaonindex2=__("Select Show to display or Hide to conceal the post meta on the index page in non-magazine mode. Post meta includes tags comment link and categories links."); $indexnomagheadertext1a=__("Index Header Text"); $indexnomagheadertext1b=__("For non-magazine mode you can show a header text title above your post items on the index page."); $indexstyle3postscat1a=__("Index Style 3 category IDs"); $indexstyle3postscat1b=__("For non-magazine mode you can select [style3] from the option [Regular blog mode index page excerpt or full content] in order to display a slideshow of images from select categories. Enter your category IDs separated by a comma."); $indexstyle3postscat1c=__("Index Style 3 number of images to display"); $indexstyle3postscat1d=__("What is the maximum number of images that the slider should display?"); $indexstyle3postscat1e=__("Index Style 3 excerpt length"); $indexstyle3postscat1f=__("Number of characters for active slideshow photo excerpt. Enter zero to exclude description text"); $adsensepostpages1=__("Show/Hide adsense ads in single post pages"); $adsensepostpages1a=__("Select show to display and hide to conceal adsense ads in single post pages"); $adsensepostpages1b=__("Show/Hide adsense ads in non-post pages"); $adsensepostpages1c=__("Select show to display and hide to conceal adsense ads in non-post pages"); $adsensepostpages1d=__("Ad code for single page posts and pages"); $adsensepostpages1e=__("If using positions left or right best to use 200 by 200 ads. For other positions best to use 468 by 60 ads"); $adsensepostpages1f=__("Position for single page post ads"); $adsensepostpages1g=__("Left will float left, right will float right - 6 position options"); $feedburner1a=__("Show/Hide Feedburner RSS Subscribe block"); $feedburner1b=__("If you prefer not to show the block in the sidebar for RSS subscription hide it by selecting hide below"); $feedburner2a=__("Feedburner RSS URL"); $feedburner2b=__("Your Feedburner URL"); $feedburner3a=__("Feedburner ID"); $feedburner3b=__("Your Feedburner ID here"); $feedburner4a=__("Header for Sidebar Subscribe Block"); $feedburner4b=__("The text to display as the header above the subscribe links in the sidebar"); $feedburner5a=__("Subtext for rss subscribe block"); $feedburner5b=__("The text to display as a short description for why to subscribe to your feed"); $feedburner6a=__("Subscribe Link Text"); $feedburner6b=__("The text to use for your alternate subscribe link if user prefers not to subscribe via email"); $feedburner7a=__("RSS Icon Position"); $feedburner7b=__("Select center, float left or float right to position the rss icon used in the feedburner widget or select hide to hide the icon"); $rsssearchbar1=__("Activate RSS Search Bar Row"); $rsssearchbar1a=__("Select activate to display or deactivate to hide top row with the rss links and search box?"); $rsssearchbar2=__("Turn off/on row 1 right border separator"); $rsssearchbar2a=__("Select off to remove or on to show the right border separating the list items in Row 1"); $rsssearchbar3=__("Show/Hide Hide Row 1 RSS icons"); $rsssearchbar3a=__("Select hide to conceal or show to display the RSS icons in row 1."); $rsssearchbar4=__("Link 1 URL RSS Search Bar Row"); $rsssearchbar4a=__("If you prefer to link to something other than the RSS feed page enter the full URL to the page you want to link to."); $rsssearchbar5=__("Link 1 text RSS Search Bar Row"); $rsssearchbar5a=__("The text for user to click on to go to the page set in link 1 url."); $rsssearchbar6=__("Link 2 URL RSS Search Bar Row"); $rsssearchbar6a=__("If you prefer to link to something other than the comments RSS feed page enter the full URL to the page you want to link to."); $rsssearchbar7=__("Link 2 text RSS Search Bar Row"); $rsssearchbar7a=__("The text for user to click on to go to the page set in link 2 url."); $rsssearchbar8=__("Link 1 icon file url"); $rsssearchbar8a=__("Full URL to the icon you want to use with link 1. Leave empty if not using an icon. Remember to check hide icon to remove the default icon. If using your own icon just enter the url to the icon file. Do not check hide icon in that case. With hide selected no icon will display even if you enter a URL above."); $rsssearchbar9=__("Link 2 icon file url"); $rsssearchbar9a=__("Full URL to the icon you want to use with link 2. Leave empty if not using an icon. Remember to check hide icon to remove the default icon. If using your own icon just enter the url to the icon file. Do not check hide icon in that case. With hide selected no icon will display even if you enter a URL above."); $rsssearchbar10=__("Clear RSS news Link"); $rsssearchbar10a=__("If you prefer to clear the RSS news link altogether select hide to conceal Get News Via RSS"); $rsssearchbar11=__("Clear RSS comments link"); $rsssearchbar11a=__("If you prefer to clear the RSS news link altogether select hide to conceal Follow comments via RSS."); $rsssearchbar12=__("Insert Item after RSS comments link"); $rsssearchbar12a=__("Do you need to insert a link or other item in the RSS block? Enter the code to render the content. Be mindful that you need to enter code for an item than can fit properly into the space. If you need to make room and you do not need the links get news via rss or follow comments via rss then you can clear those links to free space for your new content. Content will remain aligned to the left of the search box"); $rsssearchbar13=__("Clear custom RSS link"); $rsssearchbar13a=__("The custom RSS link is the link you insert using the box directly above. If you need to remove but don't want to clear out the code then use this option to hide it"); $styleM=__("Activate horizontal navigation"); $styleN=__("Select activate to display or deactivate to hide the horizontal navigation bar under Row 1?"); $styleO=__("Horizontal Navigation Type"); $styleP=__("What should the horizontal navigation bar display pages or categories?"); $styleQ=__("Exclude IDs from horizontal navigation bar"); $styleR=__("If horizontal navigation bar is activated enter the IDs of the pages or ID of the categories that should be excluded from the list"); $styleU=__("Show/Hide slogan"); $styleV=__("Select show to display or hide to conceal tagline in logo/title row"); if( file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/producer_css_styling_tool.php') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/producer_css_styling_tool.php'); } if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column One', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Two', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Three', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Four', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Five', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Six', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Seven', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Eight', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Nine', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Home Column Ten', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Sidebar One', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebars(1,array( 'name'=>'Sidebar Two', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); if( file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/includes/youtubewidget.php') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/youtubewidget.php'); } register_sidebar_widget($this_theme.' Feedburner', 'widget_feedburner_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 1', 'widget_featured_category_1_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 2', 'widget_featured_category_2_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 3', 'widget_featured_category_3_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 4', 'widget_featured_category_4_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 5', 'widget_featured_category_5_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 6', 'widget_featured_category_6_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 7', 'widget_featured_category_7_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 8', 'widget_featured_category_8_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 9', 'widget_featured_category_9_c12'); register_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 10', 'widget_featured_category_10_c12'); register_sidebar_widget($this_theme.' Youtube Video', 'c12_youtube_video_widget'); register_widget_control($this_theme.' Youtube Video', 'c12_youtube_video_widget_control', 300, 200); if(get_option($themeoptionsprefix.'_producermaglayonwidgetsmode') == 'static') { unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 1'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 2'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 3'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 4'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 5'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 6'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 7'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 8'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 9'); unregister_sidebar_widget('Featured Category 10'); } function widget_featured_category_1_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured1.php'); } function widget_featured_category_2_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured2.php'); } function widget_featured_category_3_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured3.php'); } function widget_featured_category_4_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured4.php'); } function widget_featured_category_5_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured5.php'); } function widget_featured_category_6_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured6.php'); } function widget_featured_category_7_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured7.php'); } function widget_featured_category_8_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured8.php'); } function widget_featured_category_9_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured9.php'); } function widget_featured_category_10_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/featured10.php'); } function widget_feedburner_c12() { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/feedburnerwidget.php'); } $sidebar1position=get_option($themeoptionsprefix.'_sidebar1pos'); $sidebar2position=get_option($themeoptionsprefix.'_sidebar2pos'); if($sidebar1position == $sidebar2position) { if($sidebar1position == 1) { $sidebar2position = 3; } elseif($sidebar1position == 2) { $sidebar2position = 3; } elseif($sidebar1position == 3) { $sidebar2position = 1; } } remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); function LimitText($Text,$Min,$Max,$MinAddChar) { if (strlen($Text) < $Min) { $Limit = $Min-strlen($Text); $Text .= $MinAddChar; } elseif (strlen($Text) >= $Max) { $words = explode(" ", $Text); $check=1; while (strlen($Text) >= $Max) { $c=count($words)-$check; $Text=substr($Text,0,(strlen($words[$c])+1)*(-1)); $check++; } } return $Text; } function bdw_get_images($postID,$imgwidth,$imgheight,$thumborno,$imgstyle) { // Get the post ID $iPostID = $postID; $files = get_children("post_parent=$iPostID&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image"); if($files) { $keys = array_keys($files); $iNum=$keys[0]; } // Get the thumbnail url for the attachment // $sThumbUrl = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($iNum); if( (isset($thumborno)) && ($thumborno == 1) ) { $sThumbUrl = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($iNum); } elseif( (isset($thumborno)) && ($thumborno == 2) ) { $sThumbUrl =wp_get_attachment_medium_url($iNum); } else { $sThumbUrl = wp_get_attachment_url($iNum); } if(!isset($sThumbUrl) || empty($sThumbUrl)) { $thepostimages = c12pulltheimgurl($iPostID); foreach($thepostimages as $thepostimage) { $sThumbUrl=$thepostimages[0]; } } // UNCOMMENT THIS IF YOU WANT THE FULL SIZE IMAGE INSTEAD OF THE THUMBNAIL //$sImageUrl = wp_get_attachment_url($iNum); // Build the string if(isset($sThumbUrl) && !empty($sThumbUrl)) { $sImgString = '' . 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", "optionid" => $themeoptionsprefix."_rsssubscribeblockiconposition", "selectoptiondef" => "$sop:", "optiontype" => "select", "options" => $rssfeedburnericonops), ); function do_options_update_theme() { global $this_theme, $options,$optionsupdated,$optionsdeleted; if ( $_GET['page'] == basename(__FILE__) ) { if ( 'updateoptions' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($options as $optionvalue) { update_option( $optionvalue['optionid'], $_REQUEST[ $optionvalue['optionid'] ] ); $optionsupdated=true; } foreach ($options as $optionvalue) { if( isset( $_REQUEST[ $optionvalue['optionid'] ] ) ) { update_option( $optionvalue['optionid'], $_REQUEST[ $optionvalue['optionid'] ] ); $optionsupdated=true; } else { delete_option( $optionvalue['optionid'] ); $optionsdeleted=true; } } } else if( 'reset' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($options as $optionvalue) { delete_option( $optionvalue['optionid'] ); } } } add_theme_page($this_theme." Options", $this_theme." Standard Options", 'edit_themes', basename(__FILE__), 'do_page_Producer', $menuicoProducer); } function do_page_Producer () { global $options, $this_theme,$optionsupdated,$optionsdeleted; ?>

Reset Standard Options
"heading" ) { ?>
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"heading" ) { ?>

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