theme = wp_get_theme(); // actions add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'potter_admin_menu')); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'potter_admin_enqueue_scripts')); } /** * Load required files. * * @since 1.0.4 */ /** * Register the stylesheets for the admin area. * * @since 1.0.4 */ public function potter_admin_enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style('potter', get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/css/potter-admin.css', array(), $this->theme->version); } /** * Create Dashboard Pages * * @since 1.0.4 */ public function potter_admin_menu() { if (class_exists('Potter_Core')) { do_action('potter_admin_menu', $this); } else { add_theme_page( 'Potter', 'Potter', 'manage_options', 'potter', array($this, 'potter_dashboard_page') ); } } public function potter_dashboard_page() { echo '

' . sprintf(__('Customize Potter', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Potter got lots of customization options to achieve almost anything you want. Take a minute to explore the power of Potter.', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Customize Potter', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Documentation', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Get started by spending some time with the documentation to get familiar with Potter. Build awesome websites for you or your clients with ease.', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Documentation', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Contribute to Potter', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Potter is a free theme and always will be. You can contribute to make it better reporting bugs, creating issues, pull requests at ', 'potter')) . ' ' . sprintf(__('Github.', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Report a bug', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Need Help?', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Stuck with something? Get help from the community on ', 'potter')) . ' ' . sprintf(__('WordPress Support Forum. In case of emergency, contact us at ', 'potter')) . '' . sprintf(__('Potter Website', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Get Community Support', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Show your Love', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('We love to have you in Potter family. We are making it more awesome everyday. Take your 2 minutes to review the theme and spread the love to encourage us to keep it going.', 'potter')) . '

' . sprintf(__('Leave a Review', 'potter')) . '
'; do_action('potter_core_after_admin_helper_box'); echo '
'; } }