=' ) ) { // WordPress version is greater than 4.9 //this is description from "Additional CSS" section $args['input_attrs'] = array( 'aria-describedby' => 'editor-keyboard-trap-help-1 editor-keyboard-trap-help-2 editor-keyboard-trap-help-3 editor-keyboard-trap-help-4' ); $return = new WP_Customize_Code_Editor_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args ); break; } case 'textarea': $args['type'] = 'textarea'; $return = true; break; case 'button-set': $args['choices'] = $option['options']; $args['multi'] = $option['multi']; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Button_Set_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args ); break; case 'radio': $args['type'] = 'radio'; $args['choices'] = $option['options']; $return = true; break; case 'select': $args['type'] = 'select'; $args['choices'] = $option['options']; $return = true; break; case 'wp_dropdown_pages': $args['type'] = 'dropdown-pages'; $return = true; break; case 'wp_dropdown_cpt_terms': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $args['type'] = 'select'; $args['choices'] = posterity_cpt_categories_list($option['for']); $return = true; break; case 'slider': $args['min'] = isset($option['min'])? $option['min'] : ''; $args['max'] = isset($option['max'])? $option['max'] : ''; $args['step'] = isset($option['step'])? $option['step'] : ''; $args['unit'] = isset($option['unit'])? $option['unit'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Slider_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'color': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Alpha_Color_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'image': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Image_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'font': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Font_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'spacing': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $args['mode'] = isset($option['mode']) ? $option['mode'] : ''; $args['sides'] = isset($option['sides']) ? $option['sides'] : ''; $args['units'] = isset($option['units']) ? $option['units'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Spacing_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'socials': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $args['choices'] = $option['options']; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Socials_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; case 'custom_sidebars': $args['default'] = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : ''; $return = new Posterity_A13_Customize_Sidebars_Control( $wp_customize, $args['setting'], $args); break; default: $args['type'] = $option['type']; if(isset($option['input_attrs'])){ $args['input_attrs'] = $option['input_attrs']; } $return = true; break; } return $return; } /** * Registers all settings for customizer * * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize customizer object */ function posterity_customizer_settings( $wp_customize ) { global $posterity_a13, $posterity_customizer_dependencies; //make us some space and change priority from 10 to 30 for Site Identity section $title_tagline_section = $wp_customize->get_section( 'title_tagline' ); $title_tagline_section->priority = 30; //include all custom controls get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-image-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-alpha-color-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-button-set-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-slider-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-font-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-spacing-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-socials-control'); get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/controls/posterity-class-a13-customize-sidebars-control'); // Register the class so that JS template of controls is available in the Customizer. $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Image_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Button_Set_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Slider_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Font_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Spacing_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Socials_Control' ); $wp_customize->register_control_type( 'Posterity_A13_Customize_Sidebars_Control' ); //sanitization functions get_template_part('advance/inc/customizer/sanitization'); $customizer_structure = $posterity_a13->posterity_get_sections(); foreach($customizer_structure as $panel){ $section_priority = 0; if( isset($panel['companion_required']) && $panel['companion_required'] === true){ if( !$posterity_a13->posterity_is_companion_plugin_ready(false, true) ){ //we can not display these settings if there is no companion plugin available continue; } } if( isset($panel['woocommerce_required']) && $panel['woocommerce_required'] === true){ if( !posterity_is_woocommerce_activated() ){ //we can not display these settings if WooCommerce plugin is not available continue; } } $without_panel = false; //if we want to have section on front of customizer if( isset($panel['without_panel']) && $panel['without_panel'] === true){ $sections = array( $panel ); $without_panel = true; } else{ //we group sections in panels $wp_customize->add_panel( $panel['id'], array( 'title' => $panel['title'], 'description' => $panel['desc'], 'priority' => $panel['priority'], ) ); $sections = $panel['sections']; } foreach( $sections as $section) { $wp_customize->add_section( $section['id'], array( 'panel' => $without_panel ? null : $panel['id'], 'title' => $section['title'], 'description' => isset($section['desc']) ? $section['desc'] : '', 'priority' => $without_panel ? $panel['priority'] : $section_priority++, ) ); //reset counter $control_priority = 0; foreach( $section['fields'] as $field) { $post_message = ( isset( $field['partial'] ) && ( $field['partial'] === true || is_array( $field['partial'] ) ) ) || ( isset( $field['js'] ) && $field['js'] === true ); //default sanitization if($field['type'] === 'select' || $field['type'] === 'radio'){ $field['sanitize'] = 'options'; } elseif($field['type'] === 'color'){ $field['sanitize'] = 'color'; } elseif($field['type'] === 'image'){ $field['sanitize'] = 'image'; } elseif($field['type'] === 'text'){ $field['sanitize'] = 'esc_html'; } elseif($field['type'] === 'textarea'){ $field['sanitize'] = 'wp_kses_data'; } //register setting $setting_name = POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME.'['.$field['id'].']'; $wp_customize->add_setting( $setting_name, array( 'default' => $posterity_a13->theme_options_defaults[ $field['id'] ], 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => isset($field['sanitize']) ? 'posterity_sanitize_'.$field['sanitize'] : '', 'transport' => $post_message ? 'postMessage' : 'refresh' ) ); $control_args = array( 'label' => $field['title'], 'description' => isset($field['description'])? $field['description'] : '', 'section' => $section['id'], 'setting' => $setting_name, 'priority' => $control_priority++, 'active_callback' => isset( $field['active_callback'] ) ? $field['active_callback'] : null ); //control needs other controls on particular values? if ( isset( $field['required'] ) ) { //it checks for dependency on other settings $control_args['active_callback'] = 'posterity_customizer_activate_callback'; $posterity_customizer_dependencies[ $field['id'] ] = $field['required']; } $control = posterity_customizer_controls( $field, $control_args, $wp_customize ); if ( $control === true ) { $wp_customize->add_control( $setting_name, $control_args ); } elseif ( is_object( $control ) ) { $wp_customize->add_control( $control ); } if(isset($field['partial']) && is_array($field['partial'])){ if(isset($field['partial']['settings'])){ //make sure we have proper settings names foreach($field['partial']['settings'] as &$_setting){ $_setting = POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME.'['.$_setting.']'; } unset($_setting); } $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( $setting_name, $field['partial'] ); } } } } } add_action( 'customize_register', 'posterity_customizer_settings' ); /** * * Checks if single dependency is met * @param array $requirement dependency * * @return bool result */ function posterity_customizer_compare_dependency($requirement){ global $posterity_a13; $id = $requirement[0]; $operator = $requirement[1]; $value = $requirement[2]; $field_value = $posterity_a13->get_option($id,'',false); //check operators if($operator === '='){ return $value === $field_value; } else if($operator === '!='){ return $value !== $field_value; } //for all other operators return false; } /** * checks if control should be visible on page load * @param $control * * @return bool */ function posterity_customizer_activate_callback($control) { global $posterity_customizer_dependencies; //lets get field ID $matches = array(); preg_match('/'.POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME.'\[([a-z0-9_]+)\]/', $control->id, $matches); if(strlen($matches[0])){ //get requirements from global table $requirement = $posterity_customizer_dependencies[ $matches[1] ]; //control have many requirements if ( is_array( $requirement[0] ) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $requirement ); $i ++ ) { if ( ! posterity_customizer_compare_dependency( $requirement[ $i ] ) ) { return false; //some dependency were not met } } } //single requirement else { return posterity_customizer_compare_dependency( $requirement ); } } //let field be visible in any other case return true; } /** * adds JS file to run in customizer for controls */ add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', 'posterity_customizer_controls_js'); function posterity_customizer_controls_js(){ global $posterity_a13, $posterity_customizer_dependencies; wp_enqueue_script('posterity-a13-customize-controls', get_theme_file_uri( 'js/customize-controls.js' ), array( 'jquery', 'posterity-admin' ), POSTERITY_THEME_VERSION, true ); //prepare JS dependencies $js_dependencies = array( 'switches' => array(), 'dependencies' => $posterity_customizer_dependencies ); foreach($posterity_customizer_dependencies as $field => $dependency){ //control have many requirements if ( is_array( $dependency[0] ) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $dependency ); $i ++ ) { $js_dependencies['switches'][$dependency[$i][0]][] = $field; } } //single requirement else { $js_dependencies['switches'][$dependency[0]][] = $field; } } wp_add_inline_script( 'posterity-a13-customize-controls', 'A13_CUSTOMIZER_DEPENDENCIES = '.wp_json_encode($js_dependencies)); $google_fonts_file = get_template_directory().'/advance/inc/google-fonts-json.php'; $human_variants = array( '100' => esc_html__( 'thin', 'posterity' ), '200' => esc_html__( 'extra-light', 'posterity' ), '300' => esc_html__( 'light', 'posterity' ), '400' => esc_html__( 'regular', 'posterity' ), '500' => esc_html__( 'medium', 'posterity' ), '600' => esc_html__( 'semi-bold', 'posterity' ), '700' => esc_html__( 'bold', 'posterity' ), '800' => esc_html__( 'extra-bold', 'posterity' ), '900' => esc_html__( 'black', 'posterity' ), ); $skt_params = array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'options_name' => POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME, 'standard_fonts' => wp_json_encode($posterity_a13->posterity_get_standard_fonts_list()), 'google_fonts' => require get_template_directory() . '/advance/inc/google-fonts-json.php', 'human_font_variants' => wp_json_encode($human_variants) ); wp_localize_script( 'posterity-a13-customize-controls', 'PosterityA13FECustomizerControls', apply_filters( 'posterity_customizer_script_params', $skt_params ) ); } /** * adds JS file to run in customizer for preview */ add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'posterity_customizer_preview_js'); function posterity_customizer_preview_js(){ wp_enqueue_script('posterity-a13-customize-preview', get_theme_file_uri( 'js/customize-preview.js' ), array( 'customize-preview', 'jquery' ), POSTERITY_THEME_VERSION, true ); $skt_params = array( 'options_name' => POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME, 'cursors' => get_theme_file_uri( 'images/cursors/') ); wp_localize_script( 'posterity-a13-customize-preview', 'A13FECustomizerPreview', $skt_params ); wp_enqueue_style( 'posterity-a13-customize-preview', get_theme_file_uri( 'css/customize-preview.css'), false, POSTERITY_THEME_VERSION); } /** * Prints user.css plus its inline styles in footer as inline styles */ add_action( 'wp_footer', 'posterity_customizer_preview_css', 21); function posterity_customizer_preview_css(){ global $wp_styles; //CSS posterity_enable_user_css_functions(); $css = posterity_get_user_css(false); //all the settings from theme options that generates CSS echo ''; //only custom CSS - so we can update it live echo ''; //print inline styles $wp_styles->print_inline_style('posterity-a13-user-css'); } /** * Prints user.css dependencies in customizer */ add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'posterity_customizer_user_css_dependencies', 100); function posterity_customizer_user_css_dependencies(){ global $wp_styles; $user_css_deps = $wp_styles->registered['posterity-a13-user-css']->deps; foreach($user_css_deps as $style){ wp_enqueue_style($style); } } /** * prints icons selector */ add_action( 'customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', 'posterity_admin_footer' ); function posterity_customizer_footer() { echo '
'; /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ $classes = get_template_part( 'advance/inc/font-awesome-icons' ); foreach($classes as $name){ $name = trim($name); echo ''."\n"; } echo '
'; } function posterity_prepare_partial_css($response, $option, $function) { $partial_name = POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME.'['.$option.']'; if(isset($response['contents'][$partial_name])){ $css_option_id = POSTERITY_OPTIONS_NAME.'-'.$option; $response['contents'][$partial_name][] = ''; } return $response; }