'.($promos ? '' : '').'


'.__('Review Pagelayer', 'popularfx').'

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'.__('The best WordPress page builder', 'popularfx').' :
  • '.__('30+ Free Widgets', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('60+ Premium Widgets', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('400+ Premium Sections', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Theme Builder', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('WooCommerce Builder', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Theme Creator and Exporter', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Form Builder', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Popup Builder', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('And many more ...', 'popularfx').'
'.__('Upgrade', 'popularfx').'
'; echo '

'.__('Secure your website with the following features', 'popularfx').' :
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  • '.__('Two Factor Auth - Email', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Two Factor Auth - App', 'popularfx').'
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  • '.__('Disable XML-RPC', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('And many more ...', 'popularfx').'
'.__('Upgrade', 'popularfx').'
'; echo '

'.__('Manage all your WordPress sites from 1 dashboard', 'popularfx').' :
  • '.__('1-click Admin Access', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Update WordPress', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Update Themes', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Update Plugins', 'popularfx').'
  • '.__('Backup your WordPress Site', 'popularfx').'
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  • '.__('And many more ...', 'popularfx').'
'.__('Visit wpCentral', 'popularfx').'

'; if(empty($GLOBALS['sitepad'])){ echo '
'.__('Let your followers know that you use PopularFX to build your website', 'popularfx').' :

'; wp_register_script( 'pfx_common', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/js/common.js', array(), POPULARFX_VERSION, true ); wp_enqueue_script('pfx_common'); echo '
'.$popularfx['t']->get('Name').' v'.$popularfx['t']->get('Version').' '.__('You can report any bugs', 'popularfx').' '.__('here', 'popularfx').'.'; } echo '
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'. __('The settings were saved successfully', 'popularfx'). '

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'; } ?>

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'.__('Theme Name', 'popularfx').' '.$popularfx['t']->get('Name').'
'.__('Theme Version', 'popularfx').' '.$popularfx['t']->get('Version').'
'.__('PopularFX Templates Plugin', 'popularfx').' '.(defined('PFX_VERSION') ? PFX_VERSION : __('Install PopularFX Website Templates Plugin', 'popularfx')).'
'.__('Pagelayer Version', 'popularfx').' '.(defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION') ? PAGELAYER_VERSION : 'Not Installed').(defined('PAGELAYER_PREMIUM') ? ' (PRO Version)' : '').'
'.__('URL', 'popularfx').' '.esc_url(home_url()).'
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'.__('Server\'s IP Address', 'popularfx').' '.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'
0,// In days 'interval' => 30,// In days 'pro_url' => POPULARFX_PRO_URL, 'rating' => 'https://wordpress.org/themes/popularfx/#reviews', 'twitter' => 'https://twitter.com/PopularFXthemes?status='.rawurlencode('I love #PopularFX Theme by @pagelayer team for my #WordPress site - '.esc_url(home_url())), 'facebook' => 'https://facebook.com/popularfx', 'website' => POPULARFX_WWW_URL, 'image' => POPULARFX_URL.'/images/popularfx-logo.png', 'name' => 'popularfx_templates_promo', 'class' => 'popularfx-templates-promo' ]; popularfx_templates_promo(); popularfx_page_footer(); } }