__('Sidebar 1','j_framework'), 'id'=>'sidebar-1', 'description'=>'Sidebar for the WordPress theme', 'before_widget'=>'", 'before_title'=>'

', 'after_title'=>'

' )); ?>
  • id="li-comment-">
    ' ); ?>
    %s says:', get_comment_author_link()) ?>
    comment_approved == '0') : ?> Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?>
    '', 'twitter_url'=>'', 'highlight_color'=>'#006688', 'rss_link'=>'Default' ); return $options; } function plain_simple_options_init() { // set options equal to defaults global $plain_simple_options; $plain_simple_options = get_option( 'plain_simple_options' ); if ( false === $plain_simple_options ) { $plain_simple_options = plain_simple_get_default_options(); } update_option( 'plain_simple_options', $plain_simple_options ); } // Initialize Theme options add_action('after_setup_theme','plain_simple_options_init', 9 ); ?>

    Plain Simple Options

    Add URLs to social network profiles here.

    '; } ?> Settings related to the look of the theme.

    '; } ?> Enter the URL to your facebook profile eg: http://www.facebook.com/WordPress
    Leave blank if not applicable."; } ?> Enter the URL to your Custom RSS link eg: http://www.feeds.feedburner.com/WordPress
    Applicable only if Custom RSS LInk option is selected."; } ?>

    Enter the URL to your twitter profile eg: http://www.twitter.com/wordpress
    Leave blank if not applicable."; } ?>
    ' />