You should set your name and E_mail if you want to use the contact template page

','philna'); else: ?>

Please enter a valid email address!

','philna'); $s=$_POST["subject"]; $msg=$_POST["message"]; }elseif($_POST["subject"]==''){ _e('

Please enter the e-mail Subject

','philna'); $s=$_POST["subject"]; $msg=$_POST["message"]; }elseif($_SESSION['VCODE']!==$_POST["yzm"]){ _e('

Verification Code error

','philna'); $m=$_POST["mailfrom"]; $s=$_POST["subject"]; $msg=$_POST["message"]; }elseif($_POST["message"]==''){ _e('

please type the content

','philna'); $s=$_POST["subject"]; }else{ //格式化输出 $tome=$options['authormail']; $authorname=$options['authorname']; $tocc=$_POST["mailfrom"]; $tome_subject=$_POST["subject"].'---from-'.$_POST["mailfrom"]; $tocc_subject='CC: '.$_POST["subject"].'-----You sended a mail to '.$authorname; $tome_message='Someone sended me a mail,his(her) E_mail is :'.$_POST["mailfrom"].' The following are the contents of
'.$_POST["message"]; $tocc_message='Thank you directly send a mail through my blog.I will reply as soon as possible The following are the contents of
'.$_POST["message"]; //发送邮件 yinheli_sendmail($tome,$tome_subject,$tome_message); yinheli_sendmail($tocc,$tocc_subject,$tocc_message); _e('

Your message has been sent

','philna'); } }else{ _e('

Give me a direct email

','philna'); } ?>

E-mail form author:yinheli