================================== WordPress Theme: Palmixio 1.6.2 ================================== License: GPL ------- This theme is released under GPL v3, whichever that may be at the time of your use. For more information and an update of the GPL, see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. You are free to use this theme for your website blog or any other purpose you choose, but must conform to the GPL guidelines. Although you do not have to do this. Installation ------------ Please visit the WordPress site (http://wordpress.org/) for detailed and authoritative instructions on installing WordPress but for the theme: Extract the archive, which you just downloaded, and then copy the directory ("palmixio") into your WordPress installation directory under wp-contents/themes. ------------ Under Appearance >> Palmixio Options, you can setting header options and more. ------------ ====== Extras ====== tested browser: Firefox 3.0 IE 5.5 IE 6 IE 7 IE 8 Opera 9.64 Safari 4 public beta Google Chrome ------------------------- Wordpress tested version: Wordpress 2.7 Wordpress 2.8 Wordpress 2.9 (beta 2) ------------------------- ======== Contact: ======== email: info@colixiodesign.com site: http://www.colixiodesign.com Palmixio theme page: http://www.colixiodesign.com/en/2009/palmixio-tema-wordpress-100-free-widget-ready-in-italiano/