config_id = $config_id; $this->webfonts = $webfonts; $this->googlefonts = $googlefonts; if ( ! isset( $args['enqueue'] ) || false !== $args['enqueue'] ) { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue' ), 105 ); } } /** * Calls all the other necessary methods to populate and create the link. */ public function enqueue() { // Go through our fields and populate $this->fonts. $this->webfonts->loop_fields( $this->config_id ); $this->googlefonts->fonts = apply_filters( 'kirki_enqueue_google_fonts', $this->googlefonts->fonts ); // Goes through $this->fonts and adds or removes things as needed. $this->googlefonts->process_fonts(); // Go through $this->fonts and populate $this->link. $this->create_link(); // If $this->link is not empty then enqueue it. if ( '' !== $this->link ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki_google_fonts', $this->link, array(), KIRKI_VERSION ); } } /** * Creates the google-fonts link. */ public function create_link() { // If we don't have any fonts then we can exit. if ( empty( $this->googlefonts->fonts ) ) { return; } // Add a fallback to Roboto. $font = 'Roboto'; // Get font-family + subsets. $link_fonts = array(); foreach ( $this->googlefonts->fonts as $font => $variants ) { $variants = implode( ',', $variants ); $link_font = str_replace( ' ', '+', $font ); if ( ! empty( $variants ) ) { $link_font .= ':' . $variants; } $link_fonts[] = $link_font; } // Are we force-loading all subsets? if ( true === Kirki_Fonts_Google::$force_load_all_subsets ) { if ( isset( $this->googlefonts->fonts[ $font ]['subsets'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->googlefonts->fonts[ $font ]['subsets'] as $subset ) { $this->subsets[] = $subset; } } } if ( ! empty( $this->googlefonts->subsets ) ) { $this->subsets = array_unique( $this->googlefonts->subsets ); } $this->link = add_query_arg( array( 'family' => str_replace( '%2B', '+', rawurlencode( implode( '|', $link_fonts ) ) ), 'subset' => rawurlencode( implode( ',', $this->subsets ) ), ), '' ); } }