Introducing Pachyderm, a whimsical tumblog-style theme supporting all post formats, featured images, optional right sidebar, drop-down menu, flexible header image, custom backgrounds, and a responsive layout for mobile devices. And what theme wouldn’t be complete without at least one pink elephant? Pachyderm uses WordPress post formats with special icons for each format. Select the appropriate post format when composing your post and the icon and appearance will change accordingly. Sticky posts are also denoted with a unique icon. Check out the theme demo to see post formats in action. The theme is flexible–make it as simple or fancy as you want! If pink elephants aren’t your style, you can swap out the header with your own image by going to Appearance -> Header. Drop-down menu navigation will appear if you configure a menu under Appearance -> Menus. Likewise, adding widgets to the right-hand sidebar under Appearance -> Widgets will cause the sidebar to appear (and the layout to widen). As always, for questions or support, please post in the forums: ----- Version history: v1.3.3 - Minor bug fix for infinite scroll in functions.php v1.3.1 - Minor tweaks to functions.php for infinite scroll; move credits function outside after_setup_theme, replaced esc_attr with esc_attr_e v1.3 - Add support for Jetpack Infinite Scroll v1.2 - Removed some unnecessary code/CSS that was causing display issues in IE 8. Added 600x450 screenshot for compatibility with retina/hi-DPI devices. General cleanup. v1.1.1 - Bug fix for retina support in Chrome v1.1 - Added support for high-res screens with "retina-ready" icons; added a CSS transition effect to the drop-down menu; minor bug fix to drop-down menu; updated readme.txt v1.0 - Hello world!