Upgrade to Osiris Pro!

All Osiris features plus

30 Google fonts,14 ad spots,2 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. and more! Buy now!

About the theme

Osiris is a responsive business & portfolio theme which can be used for personal or corporate website. It features slider on the home page, 4 custom widgets, 2 menu locations,ad spots (728*90) & (970*90) and theme options to easily manage your website. osiris also offers additional Portfolio custom post type to showcase your work.

This Theme is designed and devloped by Imon Themes


Setting Up The Slider

osiris comes with unique and easy to use slider. First Go to Theme Option>Reading and make sure you have set your front page to "Your Latest posts". Then to set up slider go to Slider tab

In the tab upload slider image there are 4 Boxes:

Title: Enter the title of the slide in the first post.

Slide Image: Upload the image of the slide in this box. Click on "upload botton". A pop-up window will appear. Click on Select files button and select your slide image. After uploading the file click on the "Use as image" button.

For News Slider and Nivo Slider - The dimension of your slider images should be 1000px by 400px.

Title Write the slide Title here. Keep it within 2 lines.

Description Write the slide description here. Keep it within 2 lines.

Link: Set the link of the slide here. This link will be integrated with slide's image and content. The link can be internal or external. If you want to link a slide to one of your posts, put the link of the post here.