prefix The prefix of the theme. */ function Easy_get_prefix() { global $Easy; /* If the global prefix isn't set, define it. Plugin/theme authors may also define a custom prefix. */ if ( empty( $Easy->prefix ) ) $Easy->prefix = sanitize_key( apply_filters( 'Easy_prefix', get_template() ) ); return $Easy->prefix; } /** * Defines the theme textdomain. This allows the framework to recognize the proper textdomain * of the theme. Theme developers building from the framework should use their template name * (i.e., directory name) as their textdomain within template files. * * @since 0.7.0 * @uses get_template() Defines the theme textdomain based on the theme directory. * @global object $Easy The global Easy object. * @return string $Easy->textdomain The textdomain of the theme. */ function Easy_get_textdomain() { global $Easy; /* If the global textdomain isn't set, define it. Plugin/theme authors may also define a custom textdomain. */ if ( empty( $Easy->textdomain ) ) $Easy->textdomain = sanitize_key( apply_filters( Easy_get_prefix() . '_textdomain', get_template() ) ); return $Easy->textdomain; } /** * Filters the 'load_textdomain_mofile' filter hook so that we can change the directory and file name * of the mofile for translations. This allows child themes to have a folder called /languages with translations * of their parent theme so that the translations aren't lost on a parent theme upgrade. * * @since 0.9.0 * @param string $mofile File name of the .mo file. * @param string $domain The textdomain currently being filtered. */ function Easy_load_textdomain( $mofile, $domain ) { /* If the $domain is for the parent theme, search for a $domain-$ file. */ if ( $domain == Easy_get_textdomain() ) { /* Check for a $domain-$ file in the parent and child theme root and /languages folder. */ $locale = get_locale(); $locate_mofile = locate_template( array( "languages/{$domain}-{$locale}.mo", "{$domain}-{$locale}.mo" ) ); /* If a mofile was found based on the given format, set $mofile to that file name. */ if ( !empty( $locate_mofile ) ) $mofile = $locate_mofile; } /* Return the $mofile string. */ return $mofile; } /** * Adds contextual action hooks to the theme. This allows users to easily add context-based content * without having to know how to use WordPress conditional tags. The theme handles the logic. * * An example of a basic hook would be 'Easy_header'. The do_atomic() function extends that to * give extra hooks such as 'Easy_singular_header', 'Easy_singular-post_header', and * 'Easy_singular-post-ID_header'. * * Major props to Ptah Dunbar for the do_atomic() function. * @link * * @since 0.7.0 * @uses Easy_get_prefix() Gets the theme prefix. * @uses Easy_get_context() Gets the context of the current page. * @param string $tag Usually the location of the hook but defines what the base hook is. * @param mixed $arg,... Optional additional arguments which are passed on to the functions hooked to the action. */ function do_atomic( $tag = '', $arg = '' ) { if ( empty( $tag ) ) return false; /* Get the theme prefix. */ $pre = Easy_get_prefix(); /* Get the args passed into the function and remove $tag. */ $args = func_get_args(); array_splice( $args, 0, 1 ); /* Do actions on the basic hook. */ do_action_ref_array( "{$pre}_{$tag}", $args ); /* Loop through context array and fire actions on a contextual scale. */ foreach ( (array)Easy_get_context() as $context ) do_action_ref_array( "{$pre}_{$context}_{$tag}", $args ); } /** * Adds contextual filter hooks to the theme. This allows users to easily filter context-based content * without having to know how to use WordPress conditional tags. The theme handles the logic. * * An example of a basic hook would be 'Easy_entry_meta'. The apply_atomic() function extends * that to give extra hooks such as 'Easy_singular_entry_meta', 'Easy_singular-post_entry_meta', * and 'Easy_singular-post-ID_entry_meta'. * * @since 0.7.0 * @uses Easy_get_prefix() Gets the theme prefix. * @uses Easy_get_context() Gets the context of the current page. * @param string $tag Usually the location of the hook but defines what the base hook is. * @param mixed $value The value on which the filters hooked to $tag are applied on. * @param mixed $var,... Additional variables passed to the functions hooked to $tag. * @return mixed $value The value after it has been filtered. */ function apply_atomic( $tag = '', $value = '' ) { if ( empty( $tag ) ) return false; /* Get theme prefix. */ $pre = Easy_get_prefix(); /* Get the args passed into the function and remove $tag. */ $args = func_get_args(); array_splice( $args, 0, 1 ); /* Apply filters on the basic hook. */ $value = $args[0] = apply_filters_ref_array( "{$pre}_{$tag}", $args ); /* Loop through context array and apply filters on a contextual scale. */ foreach ( (array)Easy_get_context() as $context ) $value = $args[0] = apply_filters_ref_array( "{$pre}_{$context}_{$tag}", $args ); /* Return the final value once all filters have been applied. */ return $value; } /** * Wraps the output of apply_atomic() in a call to do_shortcode(). This allows developers to use * context-aware functionality alongside shortcodes. Rather than adding a lot of code to the * function itself, developers can create individual functions to handle shortcodes. * * @since 0.7.0 * @param string $tag Usually the location of the hook but defines what the base hook is. * @param mixed $value The value to be filtered. * @return mixed $value The value after it has been filtered. */ function apply_atomic_shortcode( $tag = '', $value = '' ) { return do_shortcode( apply_atomic( $tag, $value ) ); } /** * Loads the Easy theme settings once and allows the input of the specific field the user would * like to show. Easy theme settings are added with 'autoload' set to 'yes', so the settings are * only loaded once on each page load. * * @since 0.7.0 * @uses get_option() Gets an option from the database. * @uses Easy_get_prefix() Gets the prefix of the theme. * @global object $Easy The global Easy object. * @global array $Easy_settings Deprecated. Developers should use Easy_get_setting(). * @param string $option The specific theme setting the user wants. * @return string|int|array $settings[$option] Specific setting asked for. */ function Easy_get_setting( $option = '' ) { global $Easy, $Easy_settings; if ( !$option ) return false; if ( !isset( $Easy->settings ) ) $Easy->settings = $Easy_settings = get_option( Easy_get_prefix() . '_theme_settings' ); if ( !is_array( $Easy->settings ) || empty( $Easy->settings[$option] ) ) return false; if ( is_array( $Easy->settings[$option] ) ) return $Easy->settings[$option]; else return wp_kses_stripslashes( $Easy->settings[$option] ); } /** * The theme can save multiple things in a transient to help speed up page load times. We're * setting a default of 12 hours or 43,200 seconds (60 * 60 * 12). * * @since 0.8.0 * @return int Transient expiration time in seconds. */ function Easy_get_transient_expiration() { return apply_filters( Easy_get_prefix() . '_transient_expiration', 43200 ); } /** * Function for formatting a hook name if needed. It automatically adds the theme's prefix to * the hook, and it will add a context (or any variable) if it's given. * * @since 0.7.0 * @param string $tag The basic name of the hook (e.g., 'before_header'). * @param string $context A specific context/value to be added to the hook. */ function Easy_format_hook( $tag, $context = '' ) { return Easy_get_prefix() . ( ( !empty( $context ) ) ? "_{$context}" : "" ). "_{$tag}"; } ?>