get_section('title_tagline')->title = esc_html__('General Setting', 'oneline-lite'); $wp_customize->get_section('title_tagline')->priority = 3; $wp_customize->add_setting('title_disable', array( 'default' => 'enable', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $wp_customize->add_control('title_disable', array( 'label' => __('Display Site Title & Tagline', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'title_tagline', 'settings' => 'title_disable', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'choices' => array( 'enable' => 'Display Site Title & Tagline', ), )); /** Footer Section ***/ //social icon $wp_customize->add_section('social_option', array( 'title' => __('Footer Social Icon', 'oneline-lite'), 'priority' => 4, 'panel' =>'theme_optn' )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_facebook', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_facebook', array( 'label' => __('Facebook URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_facebook', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_youtube', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_youtube', array( 'label' => __('Youtube URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_youtube', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_instagram', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_instagram', array( 'label' => __('Instagram URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_instagram', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_skype', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_skype', array( 'label' => __('Skype URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_skype', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_linkedin', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_linkedin', array( 'label' => __('LinkedIn URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_linkedin', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_pintrest', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_pintrest', array( 'label' => __('Pintrest URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_pintrest', 'type' => 'text', )); $wp_customize->add_setting('social_link_twitter', array( 'default' => '', 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', 'transport' => 'postMessage' )); $wp_customize->add_control('social_link_twitter', array( 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'oneline-lite'), 'section' => 'social_option', 'settings' => 'social_link_twitter', 'type' => 'text', )); // custom $wp_customize->remove_section( 'header_image', array( 'title' => __( 'Header Background Image', 'oneline-lite' ), 'theme_supports' => 'custom-header', 'priority' => 40, 'panel' =>'theme_optn', ) ); $wp_customize->get_section('colors')->title = esc_html__('Body Background Color', 'oneline-lite'); $wp_customize->get_section('colors')->priority = 60; $wp_customize->get_section('colors')->panel = 'theme_optn'; // custom background $wp_customize->add_section( 'background_image', array( 'title' => __( 'Body Background Image', 'oneline-lite' ), 'theme_supports' => 'custom-background', 'priority' => 80, 'panel' =>'theme_optn', ) ); } add_action('customize_register','oneline_lite_customize_register'); // custom class if ( class_exists( 'WP_Customize_Control' ) && ! class_exists( 'oneline_lite_Custom_Content' ) ) : class oneline_lite_Custom_Content extends WP_Customize_Control { // Whitelist content parameter public $content = ''; /** * Render the control's content. * * Allows the content to be overriden without having to rewrite the wrapper. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return void */ public function render_content() { if ( isset( $this->label ) ) { echo '' . $this->label . ''; } if ( isset( $this->content ) ) { echo $this->content; } if ( isset( $this->description ) ) { echo '' . $this->description . ''; } } } endif; ?>