__( 'Sidebar Widget Area' ), 'id' => 'sidebar-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The sidebar widget area' ), 'before_widget' => '
  • ', 'after_widget' => '
  • ', 'before_title' => '

    ', 'after_title' => '

    ', )); register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => 'Header Menu' ) ); //Multi-level pages menu function green_and_grey_page_menu() { if (is_page()) { $highlight = "page_item"; } else {$highlight = "menu-item current-menu-item"; } echo ''; } add_editor_style(); add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); set_post_thumbnail_size( 110, 110, true ); // Default size // Make theme available for translation // Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory load_theme_textdomain('green_and_grey', get_template_directory() . '/languages'); //password protections page change function fb_the_password_form() { global $post; $label = 'pwbox-'.(empty($post->ID) ? rand() : $post->ID); $output = '
    '. '

    ' . __("My post is password protected. Please ask me for a password:") . '

    '. __("Password") . '

    '; return $output; } add_filter('the_password_form', 'fb_the_password_form'); ?>