Ohsik - A Simple Responsive WordPress Theme. Mar/15/2014 http://wp.ohsikpark.com ================================================================================== Ohsik is Recommended for those who have some knowledge on coding(HTML & CSS). Ohsik is intentionally built to be a simple starting point for your own custom theme. Add and edit your code on Ohsik and make your own awesome WordPress theme. **************************************************** Using a child theme is definitely a better idea! So you don't have to worry about updating theme. https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes **************************************************** Changelog April/18/2014 ---------------------------------------------------- -Added CSS for submenu | css/ohsik.css April/22/2014 ---------------------------------------------------- -Added secondary menu on | sidebar.php -Added CSS for secondary menu | css/ohsik.css April/23/2014 ---------------------------------------------------- -Added page_item_has_children class for submenu | css/ohsik.css April/24/2014 ---------------------------------------------------- -Added content-none.php | content-none.php