=== Oenology === Contributors: Chip Bennett Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QP3N9HUSYJPK6 Tags: fixed-width, white, black, tan, three-columns, custom-header, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, left-sidebar, right-sidebar Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.2 Stable tag: 2.0.2 Description: Oenology is designed to be a simple, minimalist, yet feature-complete and fully documented Theme intended to serve as a base for child Themes and as an educational reference for Theme development using WordPress functions, action/filter hooks, and template tags. The Theme includes built-in pagination and breadcrumb navigation, and supports Post Formats, Navigation Menus, Post Thumbnails, Custom Backgrounds, Custom Image Headers, and Custom Editor Style. The Theme includes plug-and-play support for the WP-Paginate and Yoast Breadcrumbs plugins. Requires WordPress 3.1, and is compatible up to WordPress 3.2. == Description == Oenology is the study of all aspects of wine-making. Much like wine-making, WordPress Theme development is both a science and an art. Much like wine-making, WordPress Theme development is the result of a fermentation process that transforms something simple into something beautiful and complex. Much like wine-making, WordPress Theme development involves an understanding of both the "indoor" (the back-end data management) and the "outdoor" (website design) elements of the process. Much like a fine wine, a great WordPress Theme is often the result of years of study by a passionate developer. Oenology doesn't purport to be a fine wine or even a great WordPress Theme. Rather, Oenology is designed to help others learn the art and science of WordPress Theme development. Consider Oenology as the fertile soil from which your own enjoyment and passion for WordPress Theme development can grow. You, too, can become an Oenologist! == Installation == Manual installation: 1. Upload the `oenology` folder to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory Installation using "Add New Theme" 1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Themes -> Add New 2. Search for 'oenology' 3. Click the 'Install' button to open the theme's repository listing 4. Click the 'Install' button Activiation and Use 1. Activate the Theme through the 'Themes' menu in WordPress 2. See Appearance -> Oenology Options for Theme Options == Frequently Asked Questions == = So, how do I learn from Oenology? = Each Theme template file includes a considerable amount of inline documentation, explaining the code use. Also, the Theme includes a function reference, that lists each function, hook, and tag used in the Theme, along with a WordPress Codex reference, an explanation of the function, and example usage. = What is the Oenology Reference admin page? = The Oenology Reference admin page contains the latest updates to general Theme notes, the FAQ, Changelog, License, and, perhaps most importantly, the Code Reference. The Code Reference tab of the Oenology Reference page now replaces the "oenology-reference.txt" file, as the master cross-reference file, that contains all of the functions, template tags, and hooks used in the Theme = What happened to oenology-reference.txt? = oenology-reference.txt has been replaced by the "Code Reference" Tab of the "Oenology Reference" admin page. See Dashboard -> Appearance -> Oenology Reference -> Code Reference. = Why so many template files? = Oenology is likely broken down into more template parts than the average Theme. This deconstruction is by design, in order to facilitate easier Child-Theming. = What's in store for the future? = First and foremost, since Oenology is intended to be a learning tool, the inline and reference documentation will be a continual work-in-progress, based upon user feedback. This documentation is complete as of Oenology Version 1.0, but will continue to be updated and improved. Other features that may be added in the future: - Internationalization - others, as determined by user feedback and demand = What About SEO? = I am a firm believer that the single, most important criterion for SEO is good content. That said, the Theme does take apply some SEO considerations: 1. The Theme assumes that the H1 heading tag will only be applied to the Post Title, and not to any post-entry content. Accordingly, if you use an H1 heading in the post-entry content, you'll find that it is styled rather similarly to the H2 heading tag. 2. The Theme template files ensure that the most important content - the post-entry content - is rendered as early as possible. The loop.php template file is called first, and the sidebar-left.php and sidebar-right.php files are called second. 3. The Theme supplies a default breadcrumb navigation function. 4. The Theme includes plug-and-play support for the following plugins: WP-Paginate, Yoast Breadcrumbs Most of the rest is really up to the user. The Theme is intended to be SEO-neutral: neither hurting your SEO, nor going out of its way (and adding considerable bloat that is better added via the many good plugins available) to improve it. == Screenshots == 1. Standard Theme Screenshot == Changelog == Note: see the "Oenology Reference" admin page for full Changelog details. See Dashboard -> Appearance -> Oenology Reference -> Changelog. = 2.0.3 [2011.06.11] * Minor Bugfix Release = 2.0.2 [2011.06.10] * Minor Bugfix Release = 2.0.1 [2011.06.09] * Minor Bugfix Release = 2.0 [2011.06.09] * Major Update Release = 1.2.2 [2011.05.16] = * Minor Bugfix Release = 1.2.1 [2011.04.25] = * Minor Bugfix Release = 1.2 [2011.04.25] = * Update Release = 1.1 [2011.02.23] = * Update Release = 1.0 [2010.12.08] = * Maintenance Release = 0.9.2 [2010.11.04] = * Minor BugFix release = 0.9.1 [2010.09.24] = * Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 2.0.3 = Minor bugfix release = 2.0.2 = Minor bugfix release = 2.0.1 = Minor bugfix release = 2.0 = Major update release = 1.2.2 = Minor bugfix release = 1.2.1 = Minor bugfix release = 1.2 = Update release. Theme Features; Theme options; maintenance; bugfixes; documentation = 1.1 = Update release. Post Formats support; Theme options; bugfixes = 1.0 = Maintenance release. Completed inline documentation, added default Widgets, minor bugfixes, CSS clean-up, minor updates = 0.9.2 = Minor BugFix release = 0.9.1 = Initial Release.