clearGoogleFonts() ->addGoogleFont( 'Open Sans', [ 400, 600 ] ) ->addGoogleFont( 'Raleway', [ 400, 500 ] ) ->addGoogleFont( 'Montserrat', [ 300, 400, 500, 600 ] ) ->registerScript( 'oasis-admin-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/resources/admin/admin.js", array( 'jquery' ), false ); } function oasis_override_translations( $texts ) { $name = colibriwp_theme()->getThemeHeaderData( 'Name' ); $texts = array_merge( $texts, array( 'theme_page_name' => sprintf( __( '%s Settings', 'oasis' ), $name ), "page_builder_plugin_description" => sprintf( __( '%1$s plugin adds drag and drop functionality and many other features to the %2$s theme.', 'oasis' ), 'Colibri Page Builder', $name ), "admin_sidebar_documentation_description" => sprintf( __( '%s is easy to learn and master, but you can always check out our documentation to learn about some features you might have missed.', 'oasis' ), $name ), ) ); return $texts; } function oasis_theme_loaded() { if (!function_exists('colibriwp_assets')) return; oasis_set_google_fonts(); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'info_page_support_link', Hooks::identity( '' ) ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'info_page_review_link', Hooks::identity( '' . get_stylesheet() . '/reviews/' ) ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'info_page_docs_link', Hooks::identity( '' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function () { $notice_disble_slug = get_template() . "-page-info"; $is_notice_disabled = get_option( "{$notice_disble_slug}-theme-notice-dismissed", false ); if ( ! $is_notice_disabled ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'oasis-admin-js' ); } }, 20 ); } function oasis_override_main_row_class( $classes ) { return Defaults::get( '', $classes ); } function oasis_front_page_design_screenshot_url( $url, $design ) { $slug = Utils::pathGet( $design, 'meta.slug', '' ); if ( $slug === 'modern' ) { return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/resources/images/modern-screenshot.jpg"; } return $url; } function oasis_overrides_colibriwp_components( $components ) { if ( ! apply_filters( 'colibri_page_builder/installed', false ) ) { require_once get_stylesheet_directory() . "/inc/FrontPageHero.php"; require_once get_stylesheet_directory() . "/inc/InnerHero.php"; $components['front-hero'] = "\\ExtendThemes\\Oasis\\FrontPageHero"; $components['inner-hero'] = "\\ExtendThemes\\Oasis\\InnerHero"; } return $components; } function oasis_set_white_texts_for_header_presets( $js_data ) { $headers = Utils::pathGet( $js_data, 'headers', array() ); foreach ( $headers as $index => $header ) { $headers[ $index ]['data'] = array_merge( Utils::pathGet( $header, 'data', array() ), array( '' => true ) ); } Utils::pathSet( $js_data, 'headers', $headers ); return $js_data; } function oasis_remove_posts_per_row_option( $options ) { if ( Utils::pathGet( $options, 'settings.blog_posts_per_row' ) ) { unset( $options['settings']['blog_posts_per_row'] ); } return $options; } function oasis_footer_parallax_is_enabled() { $parallax = (bool) get_theme_mod( "footer_post.footer.props.useFooterParallax", false ); return ($parallax == true) ? 'true': 'false'; } function oasis_theme_boot() { Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'use_child_theme_header_data', '__return_true' ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'defaults', 'oasis_override_defaults', 10, 2 ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'translations', 'oasis_override_translations', 10, 2 ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'main_row_class', 'oasis_override_main_row_class', 10, 1 ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'front_page_design_screenshot_url', 'oasis_front_page_design_screenshot_url', 10, 2 ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'components', 'oasis_overrides_colibriwp_components' ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'customizer_js_data', 'oasis_set_white_texts_for_header_presets', 100 ); Hooks::colibri_add_filter( 'customizer_options', 'oasis_remove_posts_per_row_option', 100 ); require_once __DIR__ . "/inc/integration/colibri-page-builder/colibri-page-builder-integration.php"; } add_action( 'colibriwp_theme_boot', 'oasis_theme_boot' ); add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'oasis_theme_loaded', 40 );