$v) { switch($central) { case 'nusantara_block_area1': ?>

"" ) { echo $nusantara_options['nusantara_heading_intro']; } else { echo 'Everything under the control !'; } ?>

"" ) { echo $nusantara_options['nusantara_general_intro']; } else { echo '

'; echo 'Nusantara Theme is designed for use by all WordPress user, whether newbie or a professional who wants the ease of customization without the need for coding expertise, elegant responsive design of its use and attractive. You can be free to be creative with 6 different homepage and try to customize the layout without having to open the theme file, reset button is also available if you want to go back to the default layout.'; echo '

'; } ?>

'; echo $nusantara_options['nusantara_text_button']; echo ''; } else { echo ''; echo __('Your button here','nusantara'); echo ''; } ?>

"" ) { echo $nusantara_options['nusantara_intro_two']; }else { echo '

'; echo 'life is too short we dwell in the world with wonders surrounding us not knowing what is going to happen next, tomorrow, the next day just live by the day and take one day at a time expect unexpected and enjoy life to its fullest!'; echo '

'; } ?>