If you want a home button for the blog page then adjust the toppagemenu.php file. Open it up and there are very simple instructions on how to remove the comment-outs if you want a home page button for the blog/page. =================== Rev 1.1 1) I have added and punched up some of the CSS codes. See the HTML Demonstrations page for a demonstration of added CSS. 2) I fixed the No Title Header Template. 3) Added in Sidebar Graphics. 4) Reset the_time(’l, F jS, Y’) to the_date() in order to make it customizable by the Settings menu. 5) Added underlines to comment area anchor/links. 6) Corrected a css error in the top page menu codes which caused a problem in IE6. =================== Rev 1.2 Added in some comment codes to header.php for clarity. ===================