menu_title = __( 'Nishiki About Page', 'nishiki' ); add_theme_page( esc_html__( 'Nishiki About Page', 'nishiki' ), $this->menu_title, 'edit_theme_options', 'nishiki-about', array( $this, 'nishiki_theme_info_page' ) ); } /** * Tab Array */ public function nishiki_tab_array() { $nishiki_tab_array = array( 'welcome' => __( 'About Theme', 'nishiki' ), 'plugin' => __( 'Nishiki Plugin', 'nishiki' ), 'iconfont' => __( 'Use Icon', 'nishiki' ), ); return $nishiki_tab_array; } /** * Theme Page Info */ public function nishiki_theme_info_page(){ $theme_data = wp_get_theme('nishiki'); ?>

Version ) ); ?>

Customize. About 80 customization can be done without writing the code. responsive layout, front page setting, movie setting, etc. Customization often required for web production / website operation can be set.', 'nishiki' ); ?>

create_tab(); ?> create_tab_content(); ?>
nishiki_tab_array(); echo ''; } /** * Create Tab Content */ public function create_tab_content() { $tab_array = $this->nishiki_tab_array(); $flag = false; foreach ( $tab_array as $key => $val ) { if ( ! isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && $flag === false ) { $flag = true; } elseif ( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && $key === $_GET['tab'] && $flag === false ) { $flag = true; } if ( $flag === true ) { $this->$key(); break; } } } /** * Welcome Page. */ public function welcome() { ?>

Nishiki Theme Page

Theme Screenshot

Nishiki Growing Beauty Plugin