array( 'support' => array( 'title' => __( 'Support', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => __( 'Got a question? Need help?', 'cryout' ), ), 'rating' => array( 'title' => __( 'Rating', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => __( 'If you like the theme, rate it. If you hate the theme, rate it as well. Let us know how we can make it better.', 'cryout' ), ), ), // info_sections 'info_settings' => array( 'support_link1' => array( 'default' => '' . _CRYOUT_THEME_NAME . '/' . _CRYOUT_THEME_NAME .'-faqs', 'label' => __( 'Read the FAQs', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => '', 'section' => 'support', ), 'support_link2' => array( 'default' => '' . _CRYOUT_THEME_NAME , 'label' => __( 'Browse the Forum', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => '', 'section' => 'support', ), 'premium_support_link' => array( 'default' => '', 'label' => __( 'Request Premium Support', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => __( 'We also provide fast support via our premiums support system.', 'cryout' ), 'section' => 'support', ), 'rating_url' => array( 'default' => ''. _CRYOUT_THEME_NAME .'#postform', 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Rate %s on', 'cryout' ) , ucwords(_CRYOUT_THEME_NAME) ), 'desc' => '', 'section' => 'rating', ), ), // info_settings 'advanced_settings' => array( 'default' => sprintf('themes.php?page=%1$s-page', _CRYOUT_THEME_NAME), 'label' => ucwords(_CRYOUT_THEME_NAME) . ' ' . __( 'Settings', 'cryout' ), 'desc' => __('To configure the remaining 200+ theme options, access the dedicated settings page.

The settings page is only available when the theme is active. It cannot be previewed in the Customizer.', 'cryout' ), 'section' => 'advanced_settings', 'priority' => 999, ), // advanced_settings ); // theme_customizer ///////// CUSTOM CUSTOMIZERS function cryout_customizer_extras($wp_customize) { class Cryout_Customize_Link_Control extends WP_Customize_Control { public $type = 'link'; public function render_content() { if ( !empty( $this->description ) ) { ?>
  • description; ?>
  • value() ) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_attr( $this->label ) .''; } } // class Cryout_Customize_Link_Control class Cryout_Customize_Blank_Control extends WP_Customize_Control { public $type = 'blank'; public function render_content() { echo ' '; } } // class Cryout_Customize_Link_Control } // cryout_customizer_extras() function cryout_customizer_sanitize_blank(){ // dummy function that does nothing, since the sanitized add_section // calling it does not add any user-editable field } // cryout_customizer_sanitize_blank() class Cryout_Customizer { public static function register( $wp_customize ) { global $cryout_customizer; // add about theme panel and sections if (!empty($cryout_customizer['info_sections'])): $wp_customize->add_panel( 'about', array( 'priority' => 0, 'title' => __( 'About', 'cryout' ). ' ' . ucwords(_CRYOUT_THEME_NAME), 'description' => ucwords(_CRYOUT_THEME_NAME) . __( ' by ', 'cryout' ) . 'Cryout Creations', ) ); $section_priority = 10; foreach ($cryout_customizer['info_sections'] as $iid=>$info): $wp_customize->add_section( $iid, array( 'title' => $info['title'], 'description' => $info['desc'], 'priority' => $section_priority++, 'panel' => 'about', ) ); endforeach; endif; //!empty foreach ($cryout_customizer['info_settings'] as $iid => $info): $wp_customize->add_setting( $iid, array( 'default' => $info['default'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'cryout_customizer_sanitize_blank' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new Cryout_Customize_Link_Control( $wp_customize, $iid, array( 'label' => $info['label'], 'description' => $info['desc'], 'section' => $info['section'], 'settings' => $iid, 'priority' => 10, ) ) ); endforeach; // end about panel // add settings page panel and section if (!empty($cryout_customizer['advanced_settings'])): $adv = $cryout_customizer['advanced_settings']; $wp_customize->add_section( $adv['section'], array( 'title' => $adv['label'], 'description' => '', 'priority' => $adv['priority'], //'panel' => $adv['section'], ) ); $wp_customize->add_setting( $adv['section'], array( 'default' => $adv['default'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'cryout_customizer_sanitize_blank' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new Cryout_Customize_Link_Control( $wp_customize, $adv['section'], array( 'label' => $adv['label'], 'description' => $adv['desc'], 'section' => $adv['section'], 'settings' => $adv['section'], 'priority' => $adv['priority'], ) ) ); endif; // end settings panel } // register() } // class Cryout_Customizer // Setup the Theme Customizer settings and controls... add_action( 'customize_register', 'cryout_customizer_extras' ); add_action( 'customize_register', array('Cryout_Customizer', 'register' ) ); ?>