Nirvana 0.9.5 [X] Removed conditional check for 'wp_enqueue_media' [X] Removed all 'wp_register_style' and 'wp_register_script' functions. [X] Enqueued all admin scripts and styles via 'admin_enqueue_scripts' [X] Added a changelog.txt file Nirvana 0.9.4 [X] Adjusted columns (photo frames, padding, margins) [X] Fixed multi-line widget titles [X] Removed leftover presentation page 'hide background' option [X] Default option for columns is now frameless [X] Fixed 'more posts' button border on IE [x] Fixed sidebar 'dasboard' typo Nirvana 0.9.3 [X] Edited 'readme.txt' for new and improved copyright declarations [X] Removed Bebas Neue font (copyright incompatibility) [X] Removed hardcoded Javascript found in frontpage.php - moved it to custom-styles.php [X] Replaced 'dirname ( __FILE__ )' with 'get_template_directory()' Nirvana 0.9.2 [X] Fixed header image responsiveness for full width / normal width [X] Fixed header image responsiveness [X] Removed leftovers from defaults.php [X] Added Russian translation Nirvana 0.9.1 [X] Fixed menu alignment [X] Fixed header image not starting at top:0 [X] Fixed topbar height when set to 'fixed' [X] Fixed topbar on mobile res below 480px [X] Fixed front columns layout when using custom widgets [X] Fixed Presentation Page columns on mobile using custom widgets (nth-child replaced with nth-of-type)