=== Nightingale === Contributors: tblacker Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 5.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPL v3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Theme URI: https://digital.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/digital-capabilities/websites/nightingale-theme-user-guide/ Version: 2.5.0 Stable tag: 2.5 == Description == A responsive and accessible theme for NHS organisations based on the NHSUK Frontend Library. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I use this on any NHS website? = Yes, the only restriction being that you need to have WordPress running first :) = Can I use it on a non NHS website = Yes, it is open source code and can be used anywhere. However, you may not use the NHS logo or pass your site off as an NHS organisation if you are not. = Do you offer support? = Yes, either through the themes support pages on WordPress, or via our GitHub project https://github.com/NHSLeadership/nightingale-2-0/ = Can I get involved? = Yes - please do! Whether you work in the NHS or would just like to contribute, we are happy to involve the wider community in this work and will consider any pull requests or code snippets you are happy to contribute. = How do I customise my 404 page? = All content on the 404 error page is widgetised. Navigate to admin > appearance > widgets and add your chosen widgets and content to the `404 page` widget. = How does the menu system work? = The top level navigation has NO dropdowns or expander functionality. This is by design. This means your header menu is one level only. To show further levels, we recommend using the right (or left) hand column and adding a menu widget. You can either use your own custom menu, or the subpages widget included with the theme. = What is the subpages widget = The subpages widget shows pages in the current navigation tree. When you add the widget, you can configure how this behaves and whether the top level page is linked etc. == Changelog =2.5.0= * Updated nhsuk-frontend to verion 7.0.0 =2.4.13= * Fix for date format in last page reviewed text * Fix for alignment issue with responsive menu button * Bug fixes for search results page * Removes !important from position absolute within .screen-reader-text class. =2.4.12= * Button style improvement for gravity forms 2.7 * Fix for checkbox rendering in gravity forms 2.7 =2.4.11= * Button style fix for gravity forms with legacy markup enabled =2.4.10= * Style fixes for learndash version 4 * Breadcrumb fix in category pages =2.4.9= * Removes composer dependency * Fix search and menu button style in tablets * Fix horizontal scrolling in category pages * Fix for footer menu doesn't output link relationship =2.4.8= * Header style improvements =2.4.7= * Accessibility improvement in the header * Fix for menu button in small screens =2.4.6= * Fix for crashes caused by template-functions.php =2.4.5= * Fix for horizontal scrollbar * Style changes for the Header Menu * Fix to limit the number of posts shown to selected amount =2.4.4= * Changes for accessibility issue in the header * WordPress breadcrumb fixes and improvements * Fix for gravity forms radio button for other options not showing * Style changes to make input box to have a thick black border when focused =2.4.3= * Style fix for enrol module banners * Style fix for for Action link and pagination block elements * Style fix for care card legacy block =2.4.2= * Updated NHSUK Frontend to Version 6.1.0 * Fixed style bugs * Hero Banner = 2.4 = * Bugfix release: * Minor change has been done so that the expand button work properly. = 2.3.4 = * Bugfix release: * Fixed cookie control positioning * Fixed additional LD page button CSS * Fixed additional LD expander buttons accessibility = = * Hotfix * Updated stylesheet version in markup so old cached versions are not called and result in wonky displays. = = * Hotfix * Header area without NHS logo was restricted to 80px width. This has been resolved. = 2.3.2 = * Maintenance and bugfix release: * Updated to Gravity Forms 2.5. Very strongly suggest updating gravity forms at the same time as updating to this version of the theme. * Converted all sass to dart-sass for less bloat. If developing with theme, please ensure you run npm install before doing any css work * Updated to nhsuk-frontend version 5.1 * Reworked all css, but in particular admin to reduce size of files. = = * Bugfix release: * Fixed pagination in learndash content (added new nonce value to ensure correct form submission) * Fixed php warning on all_fields template (related to original styles array which is no longer used) * Fixed action links in calendar context * Tweak to Nhsuk header width * Tested against WordPress 5.7 = = * bugfix release: * minor change to gravity forms summary (all_fields) view to prevent markup error that blocked submission. = = * bugfix release: * removed various warnings triggered by unchecked values * removed console.log bugfixing statements * corrected minor issues with plugin compatability files * fixed $back_one_level when used with uncanny toolkit breadcrumbs * fixed header search bug in safari = 2.3.1 = * Accessibility Improvements: * Multiple contrast issues addressed, especially in plugin compatability (Gravity Forms, The Events Calendar, LearnDash in particular) * Aria roles corrected * Keyboard navigation improvements to all screens * Screen reader enhancements added to multiple posts view, header component and to footer region * Mobile navigation focus enhanecement for visually impaired users * form and search input field focus effect amended to use both yellow and black so contrast is maintained regardless of background colour * Base library upgraded to NHSUK Frontend 4.1 (https://github.com/nhsuk/nhsuk-frontend/blob/v4.1.0/) * Logo / site title hover effect remedied to be in line with nhsuk framework * Improvements to IE10/11 support * Search improvements - particularly on mobile where clicking to open search now focuses inside the search box. * Various improvements to Gravity Forms integration: * Likert icon modified to match rest of radio displays (also improves contrast and accessibility) * Likert display modified from tables to divs to be more responsive * Likert labels next to each option as screen reader assists * Radios - label modified to legend and bought inside fieldset * Security tweaks: * Author name hidden in rss feeds to reduce chance of enumeration * Login hint messages modified to not reveal whether a username already exists * Functional improvements: * new thumbnails added for theme to create square images. Optional on blog listing pages to then use these for consistent sizing of blocks (default is to use standard image, but optional to amend to the new square layout) * Multiple Gravity Forms layout improvements * Learndash grid view added to theme (this only impacts if you have both LearnDash and LearnDash grid view plugins) * Fix to nhsuk-card--clickable component so the whole region is selectable and clickable (also accessibility improvement so when keyboard navigating, the whole region is indicated as selected) = = Bugfix release: * Breadcrumbs in learndash broke outside of template bounds. This has been resolved. = 2.3 = Feature release: * Upstream library updated to nhsuk v4 * Panel and Promo elements revised to use new Card component * Search and emergency header updated (props to @idiosyn) * New tabbed navigation component - toggle on or off on page edit view, all sibling and immediate parent page are displayed in responsive tabs * Fix to comments renderer to ensure valid markup and proper display * Events Calendar styling revised to use new nhsuk card component * Filter added to breadcrumb to enable extending easier * Accessibility improvements to gravity forms output * Added legacy components for blocks previously created using panel or promo styling * Minor css tidying, removing redundant !important tags and improving specificity * Added password obfuscation for password protected pages (props to @tporteus) = 2.2.5 = Maintenance release: * Improved events calendar integration (embeds, listing, display etc) * Improved Gravity integration (confirmation screen) * Fix for over-flexxing * Fix for horizontal scroll (AGAIN!) = 2.2.4 = Maintenance release: * Vertical scroll bar fix (again) * Updated yarn dependancy * Gravity form general tidying around markup and accessibility (confirmation page, summary style, gravity view header rework) * The Events Calendar - RSVP layout improved on page * The Events Calendar - RSVP form including additional data bought into NHSUK styling and markup * The Events Calendar - when embedding single event into other content, now uses NHSUK care card styling * Reworked flex blox styling, particularly for latest posts, grouped content and search results. * Removed some unecessary / unused / legacy code = = Bugfix release: * fixed fatal error with formidable forms * fixed fatal error in gravity forms * fixed footer link display (was previously 1/3 of 1/3 width) * corrected hero inner arrow display * corrected hero background width * added switch for featured image display to be top / right float / left float = 2.2.3 = Bugfix release: * hero images were being suppressed - fixed * striped content was not correctly flexing. - fixed. = 2.2.2 = Maintenance release: * Hero banner alignment fixes - on full screen and on mobile view * Latest posts block rewritten to take note of editor settings (column count, hide/show author, date, featured image etc, category selection, sort order) * corrected embedded media when left or right alignment is chosen to prevent other content from crashing the component * latest post and content post - cleaned logic in code and tidied display * Multiple code tweaks to improve accessibility. This release resolves items picked up on automated a11y scan, a full detailed manual audit is being prepared for the next release * Improved layout and display of month and day view on the events calendar content. * Gravity forms survey - star rating and likert rating display corrected to display correctly on all size screens. * Gravity forms labels a11y improved = 2.2.1 = Maintenance release: * amended slightly to work with WordPress 5.5 * minor css tweaks for better NHSUK styling = 2.2.0 = Feature release: * Added default styling to Download Monitor buttons * Added html sitemap functionality * Corrected alignments on nhsblock components * removed search submit button drop shadow, corrected form alignment on search box * Corrected layout ordering in footer region * updated 404 page to include sitemap content for improved UI * Cleaned up SCSS and reduced size of output css * Added compatability with formidable forms plugin * removed horizontal scroll when hero was in use on page = 2.1.8 Maintenance release * Updated styling for nhsblocks plugin to match update to nhsblocks 1.1.6 * Removed requirement for Gutenberg plugin. Unless you have other plugins requiring Gutenberg as a plugin, we very strongly recommend you remove the Gutenberg plugin from your installation as it is no longer required. * Updated penthouse npm library * Fixed header flex styling * fixed search popup in smaller screen displays to match nhsuk functionality * Added in recommendation to use nightingale-companion plugin (adds performance, seo and accessibility functionality that is not suitable for theme packages but adds real benefit to website usage). Version 1.0.2 recommended * Minor tweak to criticalcss to minimise screen flicker * Improvements to a11y functionality * Added screen reader capability to care cards = = Maintenance release * Modified hover actions on header to ensure consistency with nhsuk library * Tweaked LearnDash completion flag styling * Repaired Gravity Forms inc file to set vars correctly = = Maintenance release * style.min.css updated (error on previous upload had min out of step with the uncompressed css) * Gravity form error duplication removed (when a required field is not complete for example, an error message was showing twice.) * White header option on different colours improved * Language modified on white header option in customiser * suppressed readmore action in admin * Header styling bought into closer alignment to nhs.uk = 2.1.7 = Public release * Removed horrid yellow background on logo hover * removed duplicated error messages in gravity forms * added styling for blocks (blocks plugin has a conditional to avoid duplication) * Added excerpt abilities for pages * added readmore link to search and archive results * removed zip file from git repo * bumped versions on gutenberg-style to ensure latest version pulled in * corrected copyright conditional (was echoing $organisation name outside of element) = 2.1.6 = Gravity Forms changes: * Duplicated titles for radios, checkboxes, sections and html blocks all removed. * Radios are now selectable by clicking text * Keyboard navigation fixed * Button styling corrected (prev/next were inverted colours) * Progress bar bought into nhsuk styling * Address fields corrected (values were being lost when navigating to / from) * Form description changed from small class to nhsuk-hint to make more readable Colour switcher changes: * colour switching styles removed into their own page-colours.scss file * Page specific colours brought into same routine * inline style removed, all styles now loaded in standalone css * colours apply to all inner blocks, menus and content automatically * colours applied top gravity elements where relevant Header element changes: * transactional title drops to below logo on ipad / mobile view to prevent clashes with menu button * menu button and menu expander (on mobile) corrected so positions where it should when search disabled * Search opens in correct way on mobile view and is actually usable now. * Menu on mobile has white background for readability * Menu hover on desktop view is darker shade of selected colour. Other changes: * excerpts corrected in admin view * 404 search form corrected on mobile view * LearnDash tweaks to improve display and consistency * breadcrumbs tidied up on search pages and 404 page * nhsuk-frontend updated to 3.1.0 = 2.1.5 = * admin panel experience massively improved (please ensure you also update nhsblocks plugin - see above to get maximum benefit) * Added filters to enable post author, post date and post thumbnail to be suppressed on individual post pages * learndash styling improvements * menu button floating issues resolved in mobile view * Frutiger font stubborn remnants removed. * Search and input boxes styling bought into alignment with nhsuk styling principles * Weird shadow removed from header buttons * Search results page now shows in nice panels and looks a lot more akin to the rest of the site display = 2.1.4 = * nhsuk frontend called in using new nhsuk-replacement.scss (previously there were duplicate calls to a file making the output css contain duplicates and also bypassing my removal of the frutiger font loading) * textdomain corrected * readmore function completely removed along with any references to it. = 2.1.3 = * Readmore function in template-functions.php now returns null. 99% certain this is now deprecated and can be removed, but for safety left in with a zero return. * Padding on grid boxes amended * nhsuk.js de-minified for easier inspection of what is included / being called * NHS Frontend library upgraded to 3.0.3 * Internationalisation added back in (in potential) * wp_open_body function added to header.php for better alignment with other wp functionality = 2.1.2 = * Removed margin 0 on full width - this was causing text to crash the frame in mobile view. * Corrected some minor styling issues with learndash css * Corrected hover color from warm-yellow to focus-color for consistency * Added filter to copyright to pick up organisation name if defined. * Updated theme to reflect compatability with wp 5.4 = 2.1.1 = = 2.1.0 = Removed for theme review compliance: * Performance optimisations and code standard changes. These have been removed as are considered plugin options. These will be added to a companion plugin at a later date. * All references to assets.nhs.uk - the font that was originally bundled (Frutiger) is only licensed for use on nhs.uk domains. If you are able to use Frutiger, you will need to add the relevant css to your customiser css section. For a WordPress release it was not appropriate to include it bundled. * All dev files. These are now in our github repo version only. The WP theme version is only the files required topower the theme. If you would like to be involved in developing the theme you are more than welcome, but please download the full repo from github to get the full upline files (such as node_files) Added in better translation options by ensuring all strings are translatable. Fixed search button operation on mobile. Added better sanitising routines for customiser scripts. = 2.0.8 = Additional customiser options and refined display output: * Header Links modified to point to default home page rather than / * Search form and default fonts modified to be more consistent with NHSUK design pattern * Logo cleaned up to ensure correct display on both blue and white background * Improved ease of using child themes * Improved layout for pages with pagebreaks in them * Added organisation name to customiser - allowing browser title to differ from logo title * archive pages restyled to match www.nhs.uk layout patterns * Page Navigation overhauled * Keyboard and voice navigation improvements * Added plugin compatibility to The Events Calendar * Added plugin compatibility with Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin * Added page specific colour selector * Added distinct sidebar for blog sections * Sidebar widgets restyled for cleaner look and feel * Sidebar can be moved to either left or right, or disabled. * NHSUK frontend library updated to 3.0.3 * Gallery styling improved and bought in to line with NHSUK look and feel * SCSS reworked to always take colours from upstream library, easier maintainability. = 2.0.7 = * Updated bundled resources license documentation * Made TGM Plugin Activation notices dismissable * Renamed functions in inc/custom_colours.php to have nightingale_ prefix * 404 page layout revised and text added to make the page more useful. * Sidebar lists (including Subpages widget) made more obvious what is intended. * Sidebar calendar styling adjusted to fit into region. * Native sidebar navigation widget restrictions removed. * Logic for titles on archive and latest posts page reworked. * Floats clears after content added and more consistent. * "Leave a comment" styled to match other footer links below posts. * Added readmore to posts list pages to ensure link is included even on posts without a title * Featured image width reset to actual size with a max instead of a forced 100% width. * Pingbacks and trackbacks added in to comments display * Print output cleaned up significantly, all edit and action links removed. Fonts cleaned up. * Header customiser cleaned up * Logo modified so NHS logo is optional * Site name and tagline used instead of custom variables * Removed: * Retina images functionality * GA functionality (Added recommended plugin instead) * Emergency Alert header addin - this was removed from upstream NHSUK Frontend library so legacy code * Feedback Alert footer addin - functional rather than presentational. Plugin territory. * unused jquery.min.js * .pot translation file * empty node_modules folder (auto generates if user locally installs node) * wp-html-email folder and contents * performance optimisations to admin pages. Apparently admin is outside theme scope. Even when editing content. * assets/js/editor.js - content moved into nhsblocks plugin * NHSBlocks styling - reduces conflicts and allows plugin to have full control on display = 2.0.6 = * Optimised critical path css to remove load flicker. Amended Screenshot to follow WP best practices. Updated readme.md instructions for github repo. = 2.0.5 = * Updated nhsuk-frontend upstream library. Added compatability to WP 5.3. Refactored breadcrumb and header areas to allow for organisational and transactional header styles. = 2.0.4 = * Added in full LearnDash compatability. Added basic email template for plugin WP_HTML_Email. = 2.0.3 = * Reworked 404 page. All content for 404 output can now be determined via widgetised area (404 widget). = 2.0.2 = * Header region reworked. There are now Customiser options for disabling search box and site title as well as inversion = 2.0.1 = * Add in nhsblocks plugin to TGM plugin install routine = 2.0.0 = * Initial work on theme, standardised and tested for accessibility and optimised for performance. == Upgrade Notice == = = * Please upgrade to as previous release had incorrect style.min.css included, and this release also fixes white header variant when a different base colour is selected == Copyright == Nightingale theme, copyright NHS Leadership Academy 2019 - 2020. Nightingale is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 Nightingale bundles the following third party resources: * nhsuk frontend library. Copyright NHS Digital 2020. License: MIT Source: https://nhsuk.github.io/nhsuk-frontend/ * instantpage.js - Copyright 2019 Alexandre Dieulot. License: https://instant.page/license Source: https://instant.page * LoadCSS - Copyright 2017 Filament Group, Inc. License: MIT License. Source: https://github.com/filamentgroup/loadCSS * Underscores - Copyright 2012-2017 Automattic Inc. License: GNU GPL v2. Source: https://github.com/Automattic/_s * SubPages Widget - Copyright 2018 Bill Erickson. License GNU GPL v2. Source: http://www.billerickson.net * TGM Plugin Activation - Copyright 2011 Thomas Griffin. License GNU GPL v2. Source: http://tgmpluginactivation.com/ == Resources == * Screenshot - Copyright 2019 NHS Leadership Academy. License GNU GPL v3. * assets/cross.svg, assets/pixel_trans.svg, assets/pixel_trans_mini.png, assets/tick.svg, nhsuk-frontend css library - Copyright 2020 NHS Digital. License MIT