'; // Site Title with Icon $display .= "<{$tag_h1} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-title' ) . '>'; $display .= '"; $display .= ""; // Site Description if ( hoot_get_mod( 'show_tagline' ) && $desc = get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) { $display .= "<{$tag_h2} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-description' ) . '>'; $display .= $desc; $display .= ""; } $display .= ''; return apply_filters( 'neux_get_text_logo', $display, $neux_logo, $tag_h1, $tag_h2 ); } endif; /** * Return the mixed logo * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param string $neux_logo mixed|mixedcustom * @param string $tag_h1 * @param string $tag_h2 * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_get_mixed_logo' ) ): function neux_get_mixed_logo( $neux_logo, $tag_h1 = 'div', $tag_h2 = 'div' ) { $display = ''; $has_logo = has_custom_logo(); $class = $id = 'site-logo-' . esc_attr( $neux_logo ); $class .= ( !empty( $has_logo ) ) ? ' site-logo-with-image' : ''; $class .= ( 'mixed' == $neux_logo && !function_exists( 'hoot_lib_premium_core' ) ) ? ' site-logo-text-' . hoot_get_mod( 'logo_size' ) : ''; // Start Logo $display .= '
'; // Logo Image if ( $has_logo ) { $display .= '
'; $display .= get_custom_logo(); $display .= '
'; } $display .= '
'; // Site Title (No Icon) $display .= "<{$tag_h1} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-title' ) . '>'; $display .= '"; $display .= ""; // Site Description if ( hoot_get_mod( 'show_tagline' ) && $desc = get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) { $display .= "<{$tag_h2} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-description' ) . '>'; $display .= $desc; $display .= ""; } $display .= '
'; $display .= '
'; return apply_filters( 'neux_get_mixed_logo', $display, $neux_logo, $tag_h1, $tag_h2 ); } endif; /** * Return the image logo * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param string $neux_logo * @param string $tag_h1 * @param string $tag_h2 * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_get_image_logo' ) ): function neux_get_image_logo( $neux_logo = 'image', $tag_h1 = 'div', $tag_h2 = 'div' ) { $display = ''; $has_logo = has_custom_logo(); if ( !empty( $has_logo ) ) { $display .= '
'; // Logo Image $display .= "<{$tag_h1} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-title' ) . '>'; $display .= get_custom_logo(); $display .= ""; // Site Description if ( hoot_get_mod( 'show_tagline' ) && $desc = get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) { $display .= "<{$tag_h2} " . hoot_get_attr( 'site-description' ) . '>'; $display .= $desc; $display .= ""; } $display .= '
'; } return apply_filters( 'neux_get_image_logo', $display, $neux_logo, $tag_h1, $tag_h2 ); } endif; /** * Returns the custom text logo * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_get_custom_text_logo' ) ): function neux_get_custom_text_logo() { $title = ''; $logo_custom = apply_filters( 'neux_logo_custom_text', hoot_sortlist( hoot_get_mod( 'logo_custom' ) ) ); if ( is_array( $logo_custom ) && !empty( $logo_custom ) ) { $lcount = 1; $title .= ''; foreach ( $logo_custom as $logo_custom_line ) { if ( !$logo_custom_line['sortitem_hide'] && !empty( $logo_custom_line['text'] ) ) { $line_class = 'site-title-line site-title-line' . $lcount; $line_class .= ( !empty( $logo_custom_line['font'] ) && $logo_custom_line['font'] == 'standard' ) ? ' site-title-body-font' : ''; $line_class .= ( !empty( $logo_custom_line['font'] ) && $logo_custom_line['font'] == 'heading2' ) ? ' site-title-heading-font' : ''; $title .= '' . wp_kses_decode_entities( $logo_custom_line['text'] ) . ''; } $lcount++; } $title .= ''; } return apply_filters( 'neux_get_custom_text_logo', $title, $logo_custom ); } endif; /** * Display the primary menu area * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_header_aside' ) ): function neux_header_aside() { $area = esc_attr( hoot_get_mod( 'primary_menuarea' ) ); if ( $area == 'none' ) return; $class = ( $area == 'menu' ) ? 'header-aside-menu-' . hoot_get_mod( 'mobile_menu' ) : ''; $class .= ( $area == 'search' ) ? ' js-search' : ''; ?>
term_id ) ) { $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu_obj->term_id); if ( $menu_items ) foreach( $menu_items as $menu_item ) if ( empty( $menu_item->menu_item_parent ) ) $location_items[$theme_location][] = $menu_item; } } if ( !empty( $location_items[$theme_location] ) ) return $location_items[$theme_location]; else return array(); } /** * Display Menu Nav Item Description * * @since 1.0 * @param string $title The menu item's title. * @param WP_Post $item The current menu item. * @param stdClass $args An object of wp_nav_menu() arguments. * @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding. * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_menu_description' ) ): function neux_menu_description( $title, $item, $args, $depth ) { $return = ''; $return .= '' . $title . ''; if ( !empty( $item->description ) ) $return .= '' . $item->description . ''; return $return; } endif; add_filter( 'nav_menu_item_title', 'neux_menu_description', 5, 4 ); /** * Display title area content * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_add_custom_title_content' ) ): function neux_add_custom_title_content( $location = 'pre', $context = '' ) { $pre_title_content_post = apply_filters( 'neux_pre_title_content_post', '', $location, $context ); if ( ( $location == 'pre' && !$pre_title_content_post ) || ( $location == 'post' && $pre_title_content_post ) ) : $pre_title_content = apply_filters( 'neux_pre_title_content', '', $location, $context ); if ( !empty( $pre_title_content ) ) : $pre_title_content_stretch = apply_filters( 'neux_pre_title_content_stretch', '', $location, $context ); ?>
array( 12, 12, 12, 12 ), '2-1' => array( 6, 6, 12, 12 ), '2-2' => array( 4, 8, 12, 12 ), '2-3' => array( 8, 4, 12, 12 ), '3-1' => array( 4, 4, 4, 12 ), '3-2' => array( 6, 3, 3, 12 ), '3-3' => array( 3, 6, 3, 12 ), '3-4' => array( 3, 3, 6, 12 ), '4-1' => array( 3, 3, 3, 3 ), ); if ( isset( $structure[ $footers ] ) ) return $structure[ $footers ]; else return array( 12, 12, 12, 12 ); } endif; /** * Get footer column option. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return int */ function neux_get_footer_columns() { $footers = hoot_get_mod( 'footer' ); $columns = ( $footers ) ? intval( substr( $footers, 0, 1 ) ) : false; $columns = ( is_numeric( $columns ) && 0 < $columns ) ? $columns : false; return $columns; } /** * Utility function to map 2 column widths to CSS span architecture. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_get_column_span' ) ): function neux_get_column_span( $col_width ) { $return = array(); switch( $col_width ): case '100': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-12'; break; case '50-50': default: $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-6'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-6'; break; case '33-66': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-4'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-8'; break; case '66-33': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-8'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-4'; break; case '25-75': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-9'; break; case '75-25': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-9'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-3'; break; case '33-33-33': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-4'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-4'; $return[2] = 'hgrid-span-4'; break; case '25-25-50': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[2] = 'hgrid-span-6'; break; case '25-50-25': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-6'; $return[2] = 'hgrid-span-3'; break; case '50-25-25': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-6'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[2] = 'hgrid-span-3'; break; case '25-25-25-25': $return[0] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[1] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[2] = 'hgrid-span-3'; $return[3] = 'hgrid-span-3'; break; endswitch; return $return; } endif; /** * Wrapper function for neux_layout() to get the class names for current context. * Can only be used after 'posts_selection' action hook i.e. in 'wp' hook or later. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param string $context content|primary-sidebar|sidebar|sidebar-primary * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_layout_class' ) ): function neux_layout_class( $context ) { return neux_layout( $context, 'class' ); } endif; /** * Utility function to return layout size or classes for the context. * Can only be used after 'posts_selection' action hook i.e. in 'wp' hook or later. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param string $context content|primary-sidebar|sidebar|sidebar-primary * @param string $return class|size return class name or just the span size integer * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_layout' ) ): function neux_layout( $context, $return = 'size' ) { // Set layout if not already set $layout = hoot_data( 'currentlayout' ); if ( empty( $layout ) ) neux_set_layout(); // Get layout $layout = hoot_data( 'currentlayout' ); $span_sidebar = $layout['sidebar']; $span_content = $layout['content']; $layout_class = ' layout-' . $layout['layout']; // Return Class or Span Size for the Content/Sidebar if ( $context == 'content' ) { if ( $return == 'class' ) { $extra_class = ( empty( $span_sidebar ) ) ? ' no-sidebar' : ' has-sidebar'; return ' hgrid-span-' . $span_content . $extra_class . $layout_class . ' '; } elseif ( $return == 'size' ) { return intval( $span_content ); } } elseif ( $context == 'sidebar' || $context == 'sidebar-primary' || $context == 'primary-sidebar' || $context == 'secondary-sidebar' || $context == 'sidebar-secondary' ) { if ( $return == 'class' ) { if ( !empty( $span_sidebar ) ) return ' hgrid-span-' . $span_sidebar . $layout_class . ' '; else return ''; } elseif ( $return == 'size' ) { return intval( $span_sidebar ); } } return ''; } endif; /** * Utility function to calculate and set main (content+aside) layout according to the sidebar layout * set by user for the current view. * Can only be used after 'posts_selection' action hook i.e. in 'wp' hook or later. * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_set_layout' ) ): function neux_set_layout() { // Apply Sidebar Layout for front page if ( is_front_page() ) { $sidebar = hoot_get_mod( 'sidebar_fp' ); } // Check for is_home after front_page to skip blog set as frontpage // Apply Sidebar layout for archives and blog elseif ( is_archive() || is_home() ) { $sidebar = hoot_get_mod( 'sidebar_archives' ); } // Apply Sidebar Layout for Posts elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) { $sidebar = hoot_get_mod( 'sidebar_posts' ); } // Check for attachment before page (to handle images attached to a page - true for is_page and is_attachment) // Apply 'Full Width' elseif ( is_attachment() ) { $sidebar = 'none'; } // Apply Sidebar Layout for Pages elseif ( is_page() ) { $sidebar = hoot_get_mod( 'sidebar_pages' ); } // Apply No Sidebar Layout for 404 elseif ( is_404() ) { $sidebar = 'none'; } // Apply Sidebar Layout for Site else { $sidebar = hoot_get_mod( 'sidebar' ); } // Allow for custom manipulation of the layout by child themes $sidebar = esc_attr( apply_filters( 'neux_layout', $sidebar ) ); // Save the layout for current view neux_set_layout_span( $sidebar ); } endif; /** * Utility function to calculate and set main (content+aside) layout according to the sidebar layout * set by user for the current view. * Can only be used after 'posts_selection' action hook i.e. in 'wp' hook or later. * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_set_layout_span' ) ): function neux_set_layout_span( $sidebar ) { $spans = apply_filters( 'neux_layout_spans', array( 'none' => array( 'content' => 9, 'sidebar' => 0, ), 'full' => array( 'content' => 12, 'sidebar' => 0, ), 'full-width' => array( 'content' => 12, 'sidebar' => 0, ), 'narrow-right' => array( 'content' => 9, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'wide-right' => array( 'content' => 8, 'sidebar' => 4, ), 'narrow-left' => array( 'content' => 9, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'wide-left' => array( 'content' => 8, 'sidebar' => 4, ), 'narrow-left-left' => array( 'content' => 6, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'narrow-left-right' => array( 'content' => 6, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'narrow-right-left' => array( 'content' => 6, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'narrow-right-right' => array( 'content' => 6, 'sidebar' => 3, ), 'default' => array( 'content' => 8, 'sidebar' => 4, ), ) ); /* Set the layout for current view */ $currentlayout['layout'] = $sidebar; if ( isset( $spans[ $sidebar ] ) ) { $currentlayout['content'] = $spans[ $sidebar ]['content']; $currentlayout['sidebar'] = $spans[ $sidebar ]['sidebar']; } else { $currentlayout['content'] = $spans['default']['content']; $currentlayout['sidebar'] = $spans['default']['sidebar']; } hoot_set_data( 'currentlayout', $currentlayout ); } endif; /** * Filter default content size for calculating image thumbnail size * * @since 2.7 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_thumbnail_size_contentwidth' ) ): function neux_thumbnail_size_contentwidth() { return 'span-' . neux_layout( 'content' ); } endif; add_filter( 'hoot_thumbnail_size_contentwidth', 'neux_thumbnail_size_contentwidth' ); /** * Utility function to determine the location of page header * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_titlearea_top' ) ): function neux_titlearea_top() { $full = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', hoot_get_mod( 'page_header_full' ) ) ); /* Override For Full Width Pages (including 404 page) */ if ( in_array( 'no-sidebar', $full ) ) { $sidebar_size = neux_layout( 'primary-sidebar' ); if ( empty( $sidebar_size ) ) return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', true, 'no-sidebar', $full ); } /* For Posts */ if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) { if ( in_array( 'posts', $full ) ) return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', true, 'posts', $full ); else return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', false, 'posts', $full ); } /* For Pages */ if ( is_page() ) { if ( in_array( 'pages', $full ) ) return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', true, 'pages', $full ); else return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', false, 'pages', $full ); } /* Default */ if ( in_array( 'default', $full ) ) return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', true, 'default', $full ); else return apply_filters( 'neux_titlearea_top', false, 'default', $full ); } endif; /** * Utility function to display featured image in loop meta header * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_loopmeta_header_img' ) ): function neux_loopmeta_header_img( $context, $display ) { $context = sanitize_html_class( $context ); $location = ( $context == 'post' ) ? hoot_get_mod( 'post_featured_image' ) : hoot_get_mod( 'post_featured_image_page' ); $taxonomies = apply_filters( 'hoot_taxonomy_field_taxonomies', array('category','post_tag') ); $view_id = $img_id = 0; if ( is_singular() ) { $view_id = null; } elseif ( is_home() && !is_front_page() ) { $view_id = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } elseif ( ( in_array( 'category', $taxonomies ) && is_category() ) || ( in_array( 'post_tag', $taxonomies ) && is_tag() ) || is_tax( $taxonomies ) ) { $location = 'header'; global $wp_query; $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $img_id = hoot_term_image_id( $cat->term_id ); } elseif ( current_theme_supports( 'woocommerce' ) ) { if ( is_shop() ) { $view_id = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' ); } elseif ( is_product_category() ) { global $wp_query; $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $img_id = get_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); } } $img_id = ( $view_id !== 0 && has_post_thumbnail( $view_id ) ) ? get_post_thumbnail_id( $view_id ) : $img_id; $img_id = apply_filters( 'neux_loopmeta_header_img_id', $img_id, $context, $location, $view_id ); $img_id = absint( $img_id ); if ( $location == 'header' && !empty( $img_id ) ) { $img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $img_id, apply_filters( "neux_{$context}_imgsize", 'full', 'header' ) ); if ( !empty( $img_src[0] ) ) { $wrap_attr = array( 'data-parallax' => 'scroll', 'data-image-src' => esc_url( $img_src[0] ), ); if ( $display ) echo '
'; else hoot_set_data( 'loop-meta-wrap', $wrap_attr ); } } } endif; /** * Do not display gravatar image if none exists * (hook into 'get_avatar' filter) * @credit https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34007075/how-to-show-avatar-only-if-it-exists * * @since 2.8 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_ns_filter_avatar' ) ): function neux_ns_filter_avatar( $avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt, $args ) { $headers = @get_headers( $args['url'] ); if( ! preg_match( "|200|", $headers[0] ) ) return; return $avatar; } endif; /** * Display the Prev/Next Post in loop-nav for single post * * @since 2.7 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'neux_post_prev_next_links' ) ): function neux_post_prev_next_links() { if ( hoot_get_mod( 'post_prev_next_links' ) ) { $display = true; $style = ''; } if ( !empty( $display ) ) : ?>
>' . __( 'Previous Post: %link', 'neux' ) . '
', '%title' ); next_post_link( '', '%title' ); ?>