Nest theme README document == Contributors: YChong == Tags: custom-menu, two-columns, one-columns, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, rtl-language-support, fixed-width, full-width-template, sticky-post == WordPress version requires at least: 3.0 == Tested up to: 3.3 == Stable tag: 1.1.3 **** Description **** Nest theme is a simple wordpress theme, theme options and widgets supported. You can choose where your sidebar will be: left, right, or even hide the sidebar (it will display a wide body column). Custom the site logo, header navigation menu, Twitter and Facebook links. The "Author Information" (inspired by TwentyTen) and "BY-NC-SA License Notice" was available in single post page. Supports Right to Left Languages and many plugins. **** Features **** -- Multi-position of sidebar. -- Selective effect of multi-level navigation menu -- BY-NC-SA license notice box. -- "About author" information box. -- Custom website logo. -- Random posts widget. -- Full width page template. -- Custom footer string (HTML). **** Supported Languages **** US English/en_US (default) 简体中文/zh_CN (translated by YChong) **** Supported Plugins **** WP-RecentComments: WP-EasyArchives: WP-PageNavi: **** Thanks **** -- Header style: inspired by Neoease (mg12 -- Comments page facial expressions: inspired by zBench (zww -- "About author" information box: inspired by TwentyTen ( **** Demo ****