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'&subset=' . $subset : ''; $key = md5( $font . $subset ); // check that the URL is valid. we're going to use transients to make this faster. $url_is_valid = get_transient( $key ); // transient does not exist if ( false === $url_is_valid ) { $response = wp_remote_get( 'https:' . $url ); if ( ! is_array( $response ) ) { // the url was not properly formatted, // cache for 12 hours and continue to the next field set_transient( $key, null, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); continue; } // check the response headers. if ( isset( $response['response'] ) && isset( $response['response']['code'] ) ) { if ( 200 == $response['response']['code'] ) { // URL was ok // set transient to true and cache for a week set_transient( $key, true, 7 * 24 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $url_is_valid = true; } } } // If the font-link is valid, enqueue it. if ( $url_is_valid ) { wp_enqueue_style( $key, $url, null, null ); } } } function include_module_helpers() { /** * Before Hook */ do_action( 'multifox_before_load_module_helpers' ); foreach( glob( MULTIFOX_ROOT_DIR. '/modules/*/helper.php' ) as $helper ) { include_once $helper; } /** * After Hook */ do_action( 'multifox_after_load_module_helpers' ); } } Multifox_Loader::instance(); }