CHANGELOG ========= MultiColors version 2.6 - september 2015 - updated file comments - updated pagelink - file footer: copyrights - file archive and index: added pagetitle when no posts are found - changed postmetadata heading into div - removed background color from post and page editor - reordered mobile stylesheet - added Swedish translation (thanks Stefan) - updated language files - several small adjustments MultiColors version 2.5 - june 2015 - file single: removed if statement - file functions, comments and style: changed alignment of comment nav - reordered file style - updated file readme MultiColors version 2.4 - april 2015 - several small adjustment in stylesheet - removed support for document title in older WP versions - files index and archive: pagination inside loop MultiColors version 2.3 - february 2015 - added Spanish translation (thanks Miquel) - added German translation (thanks Frank) - updated French translation (thanks Ollie) - file style: adjusted styling comments area - file style: added support in Chrome for Checkbox, Radio and Select - file style and file custom-editor-style: finetuned img position in post and page - file style: reordered mobile stylesheet - file footer: changed file structure - file functions: removed class excerpt because not used anymore - file functions: added class to posts nav (now no empty space when posts nav is not present) MultiColors version 2.2 - december 2014 - file header: removed wp_title because of new title-tag - file functions: added backwards compatibility for WP 4.0 and older - reordered file nav MultiColors version 2.1 - december 2014 - file functions: added title-tag - updated the reset stylesheet - adjusted styling of several tags - reordered and cleaned up files style and custom-editor-style - reordered php files MultiColors version 1.9 - december 2014 - file header: removed double if statement - file functions: added custom post excerpt lenght - added French translation - fixed minor issue with permalink - several css adjustments MultiColors version 1.7 - november 2014 - file functions: added sanitize_callback to logo upload - file footer: removed double if statement - several css adjustments MultiColors version 1.6 - october 2014 - added and adjusted text markup tags MultiColors version 1.5 - september 2014 - fixed bug in editor styles MultiColors version 1.4 - august 2014 - first stable release