array( * 'css' => array( * '.selector' => array( 'css-property-name' ), * '.another-selector' => array( array( 'padding-left', 'px' ) ), * ), * 'custom' => 'your_custom_JavaScript_here', * ) * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_theme_customizer_js' ) ) { function wm_theme_customizer_js() { //Helper variables $theme_options = apply_filters( 'wmhook_theme_options', array() ); ksort( $theme_options ); $output = $output_single = ''; //Preparing output if ( is_array( $theme_options ) && ! empty( $theme_options ) ) { foreach ( $theme_options as $theme_option ) { if ( isset( $theme_option['customizer_js'] ) ) { $output_single = "wp.customize( '" . $theme_option['id'] . "', function( value ) {" . "\r\n"; $output_single .= "\t" . 'value.bind( function( newval ) {' . "\r\n"; if ( ! isset( $theme_option['customizer_js']['custom'] ) ) { foreach ( $theme_option['customizer_js']['css'] as $selector => $properties ) { if ( is_array( $properties ) ) { $output_single_css = ''; foreach ( $properties as $property ) { if ( ! is_array( $property ) ) { $property = array( $property, '' ); } if ( ! isset( $property[1] ) ) { $property[1] = ''; } if ( trim( $property[1] ) ) { $property[1] = ' + "' . $property[1] . '"'; } $output_single_css .= '.css( "' . $property[0] . '", newval' . $property[1] . ' )'; } // /foreach } $output_single .= "\t\t" . '$( "' . $selector . '" )' . $output_single_css . ";\r\n"; } // /foreach } else { $output_single .= "\t\t" . $theme_option['customizer_js']['custom'] . "\r\n"; } $output_single .= "\t" . '} );' . "\r\n"; $output_single .= '} );'. "\r\n"; $output_single = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_js_option_' . $theme_option['id'], $output_single ); $output .= $output_single; } } // /foreach } //Output if ( $output = trim( apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_js_output', $output ) ) ) { echo '' . "\r\n" . ''; } } } // /wm_theme_customizer_js /** * 30) Sanitizing functions */ /** * Sanitize texts * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.0 * * @param mixed $value WP customizer value to sanitize. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_sanitize_text' ) ) { function wm_sanitize_text( $value ) { return apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_sanitize_text_output', wp_kses_post( force_balance_tags( $value ) ) ); } } // /wm_sanitize_text /** * No sanitization at all, simply return the value * * Useful for when the value may be of mixed type, such as array-or-string. * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 * * @param mixed $value WP customizer value to sanitize. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_sanitize_return_value' ) ) { function wm_sanitize_return_value( $value ) { //Preparing output if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = (array) $value; } elseif ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = intval( $value ); } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { $value = (string) $value; } //Output return apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_sanitize_return_value_output', $value ); } } // /wm_sanitize_return_value /** * 40) Main customizer function */ /** * Registering sections and options for WP Customizer * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 * * @param object $wp_customize WP customizer object. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_theme_customizer' ) ) { function wm_theme_customizer( $wp_customize ) { //Make predefined controls use live preview JS $wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogname' )->transport = 'postMessage'; $wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogdescription' )->transport = 'postMessage'; $wp_customize->get_setting( 'header_textcolor' )->transport = 'postMessage'; /** * Custom customizer controls * * @link * @link */ locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_Hidden.php', true ); locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_HTML.php', true ); locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_Image.php', true ); locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_Multiselect.php', true ); locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_Select.php', true ); if ( ! wm_check_wp_version( 4 ) ) { locate_template( WM_INC_DIR . 'customizer/controls/class-WM_Customizer_Textarea.php', true ); } do_action( 'wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_load_controls', $wp_customize ); //Helper variables $theme_options = (array) apply_filters( 'wmhook_theme_options', array() ); ksort( $theme_options ); $allowed_option_types = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_allowed_option_types', array( 'checkbox', 'color', 'hidden', 'html', 'image', 'multiselect', 'radio', 'range', //This does not display the value indicator, only the slider, unfortunatelly... 'select', 'text', 'textarea', 'theme-customizer-html', //synonym for 'html' ) ); //To make sure our customizer sections start after WordPress default ones $priority = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_theme_customizer_priority', 900 ); //Default section name in case not set (should be overwritten anyway) $customizer_panel = ''; $customizer_section = WM_THEME_SHORTNAME; /** * @todo Consider switching from 'type' => 'theme_mod' to 'option' for better theme upgradability. */ //Generate customizer options if ( is_array( $theme_options ) && ! empty( $theme_options ) ) { foreach ( $theme_options as $theme_option ) { if ( is_array( $theme_option ) && isset( $theme_option['type'] ) && ( in_array( $theme_option['type'], $allowed_option_types ) || isset( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section'] ) ) ) { //Helper variables $priority++; $option_id = $default = $description = ''; if ( isset( $theme_option['id'] ) ) { $option_id = $theme_option['id']; } if ( isset( $theme_option['default'] ) ) { $default = $theme_option['default']; } if ( isset( $theme_option['description'] ) ) { $description = $theme_option['description']; } $transport = ( isset( $theme_option['customizer_js'] ) ) ? ( 'postMessage' ) : ( 'refresh' ); /** * Panels * * Panels were introduced in WordPress 4.0 and are wrappers for customizer sections. * Note that the panel will not be displayed unless sections are assigned to it. * Set the panel name in the section declaration with 'theme-customizer-panel' attribute. * Panel has to be defined for each section to prevent all sections residing within a single panel. * * @link */ if ( wm_check_wp_version( 4 ) && isset( $theme_option['theme-customizer-panel'] ) ) { $panel_id = sanitize_title( trim( $theme_option['theme-customizer-panel'] ) ); if ( $customizer_panel != $panel_id ) { $wp_customize->add_panel( $panel_id, array( 'title' => $theme_option['theme-customizer-panel'], //panel title 'description' => ( isset( $theme_option['theme-customizer-panel-description'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['theme-customizer-panel-description'] ) : ( '' ), //Displayed at the top of panel 'priority' => $priority, ) ); $customizer_panel = $panel_id; } } /** * Sections */ if ( isset( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section'] ) && trim( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section'] ) ) { if ( empty( $option_id ) ) { $option_id = sanitize_title( trim( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section'] ) ); } $customizer_section = array( 'id' => $option_id, 'setup' => array( 'title' => $theme_option['theme-customizer-section'], //section title 'description' => ( isset( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section-description'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['theme-customizer-section-description'] ) : ( '' ), //Displayed at the top of section 'priority' => $priority, ) ); if ( wm_check_wp_version( 4 ) ) { $customizer_section['setup']['panel'] = $customizer_panel; } $wp_customize->add_section( $customizer_section['id'], $customizer_section['setup'] ); $customizer_section = $customizer_section['id']; $customizer_panel = ''; //Panel has to be defined for each section to prevent all sections residing within a single panel. } /** * Options generator */ switch ( $theme_option['type'] ) { /** * Color */ case 'color': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => trim( $default, '#' ), 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color_no_hash', 'sanitize_js_callback' => 'maybe_hash_hex_color', ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ) ); break; /** * Hidden */ case 'hidden': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_Hidden( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => 'HIDDEN FIELD', 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ) ); break; /** * HTML */ case 'html': case 'theme-customizer-html': if ( empty( $option_id ) ) { $option_id = 'custom-title-' . $priority; } $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'sanitize_callback' => 'wm_sanitize_text', 'sanitize_js_callback' => 'wm_sanitize_text', ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_HTML( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['content'], 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ) ); break; /** * Image */ case 'image': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'wm_sanitize_return_value' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'wm_sanitize_return_value' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_Image( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, 'context' => $option_id, ) ) ); break; /** * Checkbox, radio */ case 'checkbox': case 'radio': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, 'type' => $theme_option['type'], 'choices' => ( isset( $theme_option['options'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['options'] ) : ( '' ), ) ); break; /** * Multiselect */ case 'multiselect': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'wm_sanitize_return_value' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'wm_sanitize_return_value' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_Multiselect( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, 'choices' => ( isset( $theme_option['options'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['options'] ) : ( '' ), ) ) ); break; /** * Range */ case 'range': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'absint' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'absint' ), ) ); if ( wm_check_wp_version( 4 ) ) { $wp_customize->add_control( $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array( 'min' => ( isset( $theme_option['min'] ) ) ? ( intval( $theme_option['min'] ) ) : ( 0 ), 'max' => ( isset( $theme_option['max'] ) ) ? ( intval( $theme_option['max'] ) ) : ( 100 ), 'step' => ( isset( $theme_option['step'] ) ) ? ( intval( $theme_option['step'] ) ) : ( 1 ), ), ) ); } else { $wp_customize->add_control( $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ); } break; /** * Select (with optgroups) */ case 'select': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_attr' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_Select( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, 'choices' => ( isset( $theme_option['options'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['options'] ) : ( '' ), ) ) ); break; /** * Text */ case 'text': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_textarea' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_textarea' ), ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ); break; /** * Textarea * * Since WordPress 4.0 this is native input field. */ case 'textarea': $wp_customize->add_setting( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $default, 'transport' => $transport, 'sanitize_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_textarea' ), 'sanitize_js_callback' => ( isset( $theme_option['validate'] ) ) ? ( $theme_option['validate'] ) : ( 'esc_textarea' ), ) ); if ( wm_check_wp_version( 4 ) ) { $wp_customize->add_control( $option_id, array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ); } else { $wp_customize->add_control( new WM_Customizer_Textarea( $wp_customize, $option_id, array( 'label' => $theme_option['label'], 'description' => $description, 'section' => $customizer_section, 'priority' => $priority, ) ) ); } break; /** * Default */ default: break; } // /switch } // /if suitable option array } // /foreach } // /if skin options are non-empty array //Assets needed for customizer preview if ( $wp_customize->is_preview() ) { add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wm_theme_customizer_js', 99 ); } } } // /wm_theme_customizer /** * 50) CSS styles */ /** * Outputs custom CSS styles set via Customizer * * This function allows you to hook your custom CSS styles string * onto 'wmhook_custom_styles' filter hook. * Then just use a '[[skin-option-id]]' tags in your custom CSS * styles string where the specific option value should be used. * * Caching $replacement into 'WM_THEME_SHORTNAME-customizer-values' transient. * Caching $output into 'WM_THEME_SHORTNAME-custom-css' transient. * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 * * @param bool $set_cache Determines whether the results should be cached or not. * @param bool $return Whether to return a value or just run the process. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_custom_styles' ) ) { function wm_custom_styles( $set_cache = false, $return = true ) { //Helper variables global $wp_customize; if ( ! isset( $wp_customize ) || ! is_object( $wp_customize ) ) { $wp_customize = null; } $output = (string) apply_filters( 'wmhook_custom_styles', '' ); $theme_options = (array) apply_filters( 'wmhook_theme_options', array() ); $replacements = array_filter( (array) get_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-customizer-values' ) ); //There have to be values (defaults) set! /** * Force caching during the first theme display when no cache set (default * values will be used). * Cache is being set only after saving Customizer. */ if ( empty( $replacements ) ) { $set_cache = true; } //Preparing output /** * Setting up replacements array when no cache exists. * Also, creates a new cache for replacements values. * The cache is being created only when saving the Customizer settings. */ if ( ! empty( $theme_options ) && ( ( $wp_customize && $wp_customize->is_preview() ) || empty( $replacements ) ) ) { foreach ( $theme_options as $theme_option ) { //Reset variables $option_id = $value = ''; //Set option ID if ( isset( $theme_option['id'] ) ) { $option_id = $theme_option['id']; } //If no option ID set, jump to next option if ( empty( $option_id ) ) { continue; } //If we have an ID, get the default value if set if ( isset( $theme_option['default'] ) ) { $value = $theme_option['default']; } //Get the option value saved in database and apply it when exists if ( $mod = get_theme_mod( $option_id ) ) { $value = $mod; } //Make sure the color value contains '#' if ( 'color' === $theme_option['type'] ) { $value = '#' . trim( $value, '#' ); } //Make sure the image URL is used in CSS format if ( 'image' === $theme_option['type'] ) { if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $value['id'] ) ) { $value = absint( $value['id'] ); } if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $value, 'full' ); $value = $value[0]; } if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $value = "url('" . esc_url( $value ) . "')"; } else { $value = 'none'; } } //Value filtering $value = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_custom_styles_value', $value, $theme_option ); //Make array to string as otherwise the strtr() function throws error if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = (string) implode( ',', (array) $value ); } //Finally modify the output string $replacements['[[' . $option_id . ']]'] = $value; /** * Add also rgba() color interpratation * * Note that only alpha=0 is added as replacement option. * Other alpha values has to be added via custom function * hooked onto the $replacements filter below. */ if ( 'color' === $theme_option['type'] ) { $replacements['[[' . $option_id . '|alpha=0]]'] = wm_color_hex_to_rgba( $value, 0 ); } } // /foreach //Add WordPress Custom Background and Header support //Background color if ( $value = get_background_color() ) { $replacements['[[background_color]]'] = '#' . trim( $value, '#' ); $replacements['[[background_color|alpha=0]]'] = wm_color_hex_to_rgba( $value, 0 ); } //Background image if ( $value = esc_url( get_background_image() ) ) { $replacements['[[background_image]]'] = "url('" . $value . "')"; } else { $replacements['[[background_image]]'] = 'none'; } //Header text color if ( $value = get_header_textcolor() ) { $replacements['[[header_textcolor]]'] = '#' . trim( $value, '#' ); $replacements['[[header_textcolor|alpha=0]]'] = wm_color_hex_to_rgba( $value, 0 ); } //Header image if ( $value = esc_url( get_header_image() ) ) { $replacements['[[header_image]]'] = "url('" . $value . "')"; } else { $replacements['[[header_image]]'] = 'none'; } $replacements = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_custom_styles_replace_replacements', $replacements, $theme_options, $output ); if ( $set_cache && ! empty( $replacements ) ) { set_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-customizer-values', $replacements ); } } //Replace tags in custom CSS strings with actual values $output_cached = (string) get_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css' ); //When debugging set if ( isset( $_GET['debug'] ) ) { $output_cached = (string) get_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css-debug' ); } if ( empty( $output_cached ) || ( $wp_customize && $wp_customize->is_preview() ) ) { //Replace tags in custom CSS strings with actual values $output = strtr( $output, $replacements ); if ( $set_cache ) { set_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css-debug', apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_custom_styles_output_cache_debug', $output ) ); set_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css', apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_custom_styles_output_cache', $output ) ); } } else { $output = $output_cached; } //Output if ( $output && $return ) { return (string) apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_custom_styles_output', trim( $output ) ); } } } // /wm_custom_styles /** * Flush out the transients used in wm_custom_styles * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.1 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_custom_styles_transient_flusher' ) ) { function wm_custom_styles_transient_flusher() { delete_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-customizer-values' ); delete_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css-debug' ); delete_transient( WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-custom-css' ); } } // /wm_custom_styles_transient_flusher /** * Force cache only for the above function * * Useful to pass into the action hooks. * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_custom_styles_cache' ) ) { function wm_custom_styles_cache() { //Set cache, do not return wm_custom_styles( true, false ); } } // /wm_custom_styles_cache /** * Hex color to RGBA * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 * * @link * * @param string $hex * @param absint $alpha [0-100] * * @return string Color in rgb() or rgba() format to use in CSS. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_color_hex_to_rgba' ) ) { function wm_color_hex_to_rgba( $hex, $alpha = 100 ) { //Helper variables $alpha = absint( $alpha ); $output = ( 100 === $alpha ) ? ( 'rgb(' ) : ( 'rgba(' ); $rgb = array(); $hex = trim( $hex, '#' ); $hex = preg_replace( '/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/', '', $hex ); $hex = substr( $hex, 0, 6 ); //Preparing output //Converting hex color into rgb $color = (int) hexdec( $hex ); $rgb['r'] = (int) 0xFF & ( $color >> 0x10 ); $rgb['g'] = (int) 0xFF & ( $color >> 0x8 ); $rgb['b'] = (int) 0xFF & $color; //Using alpha (rgba)? $output .= implode( ',', $rgb ); if ( 100 > $alpha ) { $output .= ',' . ( $alpha / 100 ); } //Output return apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_color_hex_to_rgba_output', $output . ')', $hex, $alpha ); } } // /wm_color_hex_to_rgba /** * CSS minifier * * @since 1.0 * @version 1.2 * * @param string $css Code to minify */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_minify_css' ) ) { function wm_minify_css( $css ) { //Requirements check if ( ! is_string( $css ) && ! apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_minify_css_disable', false ) ) { return $css; } //Praparing output $css = apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_minify_css_pre', $css ); //Remove CSS comments $css = preg_replace( '!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $css ); //Remove tabs, spaces, line breaks, etc. $css = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t" ), '', $css ); $css = str_replace( array( ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ), ' ', $css ); $css = str_replace( array( ' { ', ': ', '; }' ), array( '{', ':', '}' ), $css ); //Output return apply_filters( 'wmhook_wm_minify_css_output', $css ); } } // /wm_minify_css ?>