2008-10-29 Mark Wubben revision 436 [CHANGED] sifr.fla: Added directions for embedding correct font style glyphs, added Bold + Italic as an example. Set "Antialias for readability" as default export setting (ActionScript sets it as well, so no change in the final displayed text). 2008-10-29 Mark Wubben revision 435 [CHANGED] Improved Flash movie incompatibility warning. 2008-10-29 Mark Wubben revision 434 [NEW] Created example `sifr-config.js` file, although the demo still uses inline CSS and JavaScript. [CHANGED] FWIW, changed copyright statement syntax. 2008-10-29 Mark Wubben revision 433 [CHANGED] Merged the sIFR-screen and sIFR-print CSS files into one `sifr.css`, using @media selectors to distinguish between screen types. 2008-10-28 Mark Wubben revision 432 [FIXED] Font-size-deduce-algorithm fired even if not necessary, and would give incorrect results if the replaced element was `display: inline`. 2008-10-28 Mark Wubben revision 431 [FIXED] You can now set the font-size of HTML elements within the Flash movie directly in pixels, rather than as a percentage from the main font size. 2008-10-28 Mark Wubben revision 430 [CHANGED] Sometimes, somehow, in at least Firefox 2, an ExternalInterface callback is suddenly unavailable. Now checking for the callback before firing it. 2008-10-28 Mark Wubben revision 429 2008-10-25 Mark Wubben revision 428 [CHANGED] Enabled Flash transparency for Gecko 1.9 and Opera 9.61 with Flash 10 on Linux. [CHANGED] Upgraded Opera version check to 9.61, to make sure Flash transparency worked correctly in supported Opera browsers. [CHANGED] Updated Konqueror detection, although can't get any Flash actually rendered right now. Therefore, Konqueror is still not supported. 2008-10-24 Mark Wubben revision 427 [FIXED]