=== MH Newsdesk lite - Dynamic News WordPress Theme === Theme URI: https://www.mhthemes.com/themes/mh/newsdesk-lite/ Tags: Magazine, News, Blog, Responsive Requires at least: 4.6.0 Tested up to: 4.9.0 Stable tag: 1.4.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html MH Newsdesk lite WordPress Theme, Copyright 2015-2018 MH Themes MH Newsdesk lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL ================================== Description ================================== MH Newsdesk is a modern and dynamic news WordPress theme with a beautiful flat design and great flexibility. This news template for WordPress is ideal for up-to-date blogs, online magazines and all kind of other vibrant news websites. MH Newsdesk WordPress theme is focusing on your newsworthy and fresh content. In case you need more features, additional widgets and advanced options to customize your website, you can upgrade to the premium version of MH Newsdesk. ================================== Documentation & Theme Support ================================== In case you have any questions regarding your WordPress theme, please visit our support center where you can find the theme documentation, tutorials and a lot of helpful information: https://www.mhthemes.com/support/ ================================== Licenses of bundled Resources ================================== 1.) Modernizr 3.5.0 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD license Source: http://modernizr.com/ License: http://modernizr.com/license/ 2.) SlickNav Responsive Mobile Menu v1.0.0 | MIT license Source: http://slicknav.com/ License: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 3.) Font Awesome Icon Fonts | SIL OFL 1.1 | Code licensed under MIT License Source: http://fontawesome.io/ License: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php License: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL 4.) Google Webfonts | SIL Open Font License (OFL) Source: https://www.google.com/fonts Oswald by Vernon Adams: https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Oswald PT Serif by ParaType: http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/PT+Serif License: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL 5.) CSS3 Media Queries support for old browsers | MIT license Source: https://code.google.com/p/css3-mediaqueries-js/ License: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 6.) Images from Theme Screenshot Source: Pixabay.com License: Free Public Domain (GPL Compatible) Overview: http://demo.mhthemes.com/newsdesk/credits/ ================================== Changelog ================================== = v1.4.5 05-05-2018 = * Fixed untranslatable strings * Updated translation files = v1.4.4 04-01-2018 = * Improved caption of featured image to use WordPress core function = v1.4.3 16-11-2017 = * Escaped various unescaped translation strings = v1.4.2 22-10-2017 = * CSS improvements to avoid conflicts with plugins based on Bootstrap = v1.4.1 27-08-2017 = * Renamed .ad-spot CSS class to .mh-info-spot to prevent blocking by ad blockers = v1.4.0 06-08-2017 = * Updated Modernizr to v3.5.0 = v1.3.9 01-06-2017 = * Added CSS for new core widgets in WordPress 4.8 = v1.3.8 24-04-2017 = * Improved styling for multisite registration form = v1.3.7 11-03-2017 = * Minor CSS adjustments * Updated Font Awesome Icon Fonts to v4.7.0 = v1.3.6 18-12-2016 = * Updated theme links to HTTPS = v1.3.5 03-12-2016 = * Minor CSS adjustments * Replaced pagination on archives with WordPress core function the_posts_pagination() = v1.3.4 05-10-2016 = * Minor CSS adjustments * Moved theme links to theme options panel * Removed redundant file mh-customizer.js * Removed redundant conditional tag in mh_newsdesk_lite_scripts() * Added dismissible admin notice to refer users to welcome page * Updated theme info page * Updated german translation * Updated translation files = v1.3.3 16-08-2016 = * Improved header.php to load pingback URL only on posts = v1.3.2 19-07-2016 = * Updated WordPress.org theme tags = v1.3.1 06-07-2016 = * Updated WordPress.org theme tags = v1.3.0 06-04-2016 = * Added selective refresh support for widgets (introduced in WP 4.5) * Removed redundant file comments-pages.php = v1.2.4 02-01-2016 = * Renamed file mh-options.php to mh-customizer.php * Escaped translation strings on theme info page in WordPress dashboard * Added theme related links to customizer to improve usability and support * Updated german translation * Updated translation files = v1.2.3 08-11-2015 = * Fixed issue with WordPress comments appearing on BuddyPress pages = v1.2.2 02-11-2015 = * Added spanish translation - thanks to Rafael Magdalena = v1.2.1 19-10-2015 = * Minor CSS fixes to prepare for WP 4.4 = v1.2.0 27-09-2015 = * Added IDs to widget areas for improved customization experience * Added theme support for title tag (introduced in WP 4.1) * Added missing escaping to links = v1.1.0 13-09-2015 = * Switched loading of Google webfonts to 'https' = v1.0.9 24-08-2015 = * Added indonesian translation files = v1.0.8 30-07-2015 = * Fixed small issue with translations in comments.php * Fixed escaping of featured image caption to allow HTML * Added czech translation - thanks to Karolina Vyskocilova * Updated german translation * Updated translation files = v1.0.7 07-07-2015 = * Fixed contextual translation strings * Updated german translation * Updated translation files = v1.0.6 29-06-2015 = * Updated constructor method for WP_Widget = v1.0.5 13-06-2015 = * Fixed issue with large horizontal scroll bar in RTL layout = v1.0.4 01-06-2015 = * Fixed issue with capitalisation of letters in post/page titles * Added danish translation - thanks to Casper Reiff = v1.0.3 01-05-2015 = * Several minor code improvements * Updated translation files = v1.0.2 20-04-2015 = * Improved handling of responsive embeds = v1.0.1 01-04-2015 = * Fixed overflow issues in content area * Removed Facebook Likebox widget because of WordPress.org guidelines * Removed social links from theme info page because of WordPress.org guidelines * Updated Font Awesome to v4.3.0 * Added copyright information * Included css3-mediaqueries.js because Google Code will cease operations * Included unminified versions of 3rd party scripts/styles = v1.0.0 30-01-2015 = * Initial release