array( 'black', __( 'Black', 'metrolo' ) ), '#abb8c3' => array( 'cyan-bluish-gray', __( 'Cyan bluish gray', 'metrolo' ) ), '#ffffff' => array( 'white', __( 'White', 'metrolo' ) ), '#f78da7' => array( 'pale-pink', __( 'Pale pink', 'metrolo' ) ), '#cf2e2e' => array( 'vivid-red', __( 'Vivid red', 'metrolo' ) ), '#ff6900' => array( 'luminous-vivid-orange', __( 'Luminous vivid orange', 'metrolo' ) ), '#fcb900' => array( 'luminous-vivid-amber', __( 'Luminous vivid amber', 'metrolo' ) ), '#7bdcb5' => array( 'light-green-cyan', __( 'Light green cyan', 'metrolo' ) ), '#00d084' => array( 'vivid-green-cyan', __( 'Vivid green cyan', 'metrolo' ) ), '#8ed1fc' => array( 'pale-cyan-blue', __( 'Pale cyan blue', 'metrolo' ) ), '#0693e3' => array( 'vivid-cyan-blue', __( 'Vivid cyan blue', 'metrolo' ) ), '#9b51e0' => array( 'vivid-purple', __( 'Vivid purple', 'metrolo' ) ), ); $load = false; $palette = array(); $accent = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_color' ); $load = true; $palette[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Theme Accent Color', 'metrolo' ), 'slug' => 'accent', 'color' => $accent ); $accentfont = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_font' ); $load = true; $palette[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Theme Accent Font Color', 'metrolo' ), 'slug' => 'accent-font', 'color' => $accentfont ); if ( $load ) { foreach ( $defaults as $key => $value ) if ( $key != $accent && $key != $accentfont ) $palette[] = array( 'name' => $value[1], 'slug' => $value[0], 'color' => $key ); add_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette', $palette ); } } /** Add Stylesheets **/ // This is loaded in both Frontend and Backend (HBS loads @10) // add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', 'hoot_wpblock_assets', 12 ); // Load after main stylesheet (and hootkit if available), but before child theme's stylesheet (and child hootkit) add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hoot_wpblock_assets', 16 ); function hoot_wpblock_assets(){ $style_uri = hybridextend_locate_style( 'include/blocks/wpblocks' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'hoot-wpblocks', $style_uri, array(), HYBRIDEXTEND_THEME_VERSION ); } // Set dynamic css handle to hoot-wpblocks add_filter( 'hybridextend_style_builder_inline_style_handle', 'hoot_dynamic_css_wpblock_handle', 4 ); function hoot_dynamic_css_wpblock_handle(){ return 'hoot-wpblocks'; } // Editor stylesheet (HBS loads @10) add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'hoot_wpblock_editor_assets', 12 ); function hoot_wpblock_editor_assets(){ // This is loaded in only Backend... $style_uri = hybridextend_locate_style( 'include/blocks/wpblocks-editor' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'hoot-wpblocks-editor', $style_uri, array(), HYBRIDEXTEND_THEME_VERSION ); $settings = array(); $settings['accent_color'] = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_color' ); $settings['accent_font'] = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_font' ); extract( apply_filters( 'hoot_custom_css_settings', $settings, 'blocks-editor' ) ); $dynamic_css = ''; $dynamic_css .= ':root .has-accent-color' . ',' . '.is-style-outline>.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-text-color),' . '{ color: ' . $accent_color . '; } '; $dynamic_css .= ':root .has-accent-background-color' . ',' . '.wp-block-button__link' . ',' . '.wp-block-search__button, .wp-block-file__button' . '{ background: ' . $accent_color . '; } '; $dynamic_css .= ':root .has-accent-font-color' . ',' . '.wp-block-button__link' . ',' . '.wp-block-search__button, .wp-block-file__button' . '{ color: ' . $accent_font . '; } '; $dynamic_css .= ':root .has-accent-font-background-color' . '{ background: ' . $accent_font . '; } '; wp_add_inline_style( 'hoot-wpblocks-editor', $dynamic_css ); } /** Add Dynamic CSS **/ add_action( 'hybridextend_dynamic_cssrules', 'hoot_dynamic_wpblockcss', 8 ); function hoot_dynamic_wpblockcss() { $settings = array(); $settings['accent_color'] = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_color' ); $settings['accent_font'] = hoot_get_mod( 'accent_font' ); extract( apply_filters( 'hoot_custom_css_settings', $settings, 'blocks' ) ); hybridextend_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => ':root .has-accent-color' . ',' . '.is-style-outline>.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-text-color),', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); hybridextend_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => ':root .has-accent-background-color' . ',' . '.wp-block-button__link,.wp-block-button__link:hover' . ',' . '.wp-block-search__button,.wp-block-search__button:hover, .wp-block-file__button,.wp-block-file__button:hover', 'property' => 'background', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); hybridextend_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => ':root .has-accent-font-color' . ',' . '.wp-block-button__link,.wp-block-button__link:hover' . ',' . '.wp-block-search__button,.wp-block-search__button:hover, .wp-block-file__button,.wp-block-file__button:hover', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_font, 'idtag' => 'accent_font', ) ); hybridextend_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => ':root .has-accent-font-background-color', 'property' => 'background', 'value' => $accent_font, 'idtag' => 'accent_font', ) ); }