username = $username; $this->apiKey = $apiKey; $this->authors = $authors; add_filter( "pre_set_site_transient_update_themes", array( &$this, "check" ) ); } /** * Check for the updates */ public function check( $updates ) { $this->username = apply_filters( "pixelentity_theme_update_username", $this->username ); $this->apiKey = apply_filters( "pixelentity_theme_update_apiKey", $this->apiKey ); $this->authors = apply_filters( "pixelentity_theme_update_authors", $this->authors ); if ( $this->authors && ! is_array( $this->authors ) ) { $this->authors = array($this->authors); } if ( !$this->username || ! $this->apiKey || ! isset( $updates->checked ) ) return $updates; if ( ! class_exists( "Envato_Protected_API" ) ) { stm_include_file( "class-envato-protected-api.php" ); } $api = new Envato_Protected_API( $this->username,$this->apiKey ); add_filter( "http_request_args", array( &$this, "http_timeout" ), 10, 1 ); $purchased = $api->wp_list_themes( true ); $installed = wp_get_themes(); $filtered = array(); foreach ( $installed as $theme ) { if ( $this->authors && ! in_array( $theme->{'Author Name'}, $this->authors ) ) continue; $filtered[$theme->Name] = $theme; } foreach ( $purchased as $theme ) { if ( isset( $filtered[$theme->theme_name] ) ) { $current = $filtered[$theme->theme_name]; if ( version_compare( $current->Version, $theme->version, '<' ) ) { // bingo, inject the update if ( $url = $api->wp_download( $theme->item_id ) ) { $update = array( "url" => "{$theme->item_id}", "new_version" => $theme->version, "package" => $url ); $updates->response[$current->Stylesheet] = $update; } } } } return $updates; } /** * Increase timeout for api request * @param Array $req * @return Array */ public function http_timeout( $req ) { $req["timeout"] = 300; return $req; } /** * Init the class */ public static function init( $username = null, $apiKey = null, $authors = null ) { new Envato_Theme_Updater( $username, $apiKey, $authors ); } } }