widgets['WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'])) { remove_action('wp_head', array($wp_widget_factory->widgets['WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'], 'recent_comments_style')); } } } // remove injected CSS from gallery if( ! function_exists( 'magnificient_gallery_style ' ) ) { function magnificient_gallery_style($css) { return preg_replace("!!s", '', $css); } } /********************* Post related cleaning *********************/ /* Customized the output of caption, you can remove the filter to restore back to the WP default output. Courtesy of DevPress. http://devpress.com/blog/captions-in-wordpress/ */ if( ! function_exists( 'magnificient_cleaner_caption ' ) ) { function magnificient_cleaner_caption( $output, $attr, $content ) { /* We're not worried abut captions in feeds, so just return the output here. */ if ( is_feed() ) return $output; /* Set up the default arguments. */ $defaults = array( 'id' => '', 'align' => 'alignnone', 'width' => '', 'caption' => '' ); /* Merge the defaults with user input. */ $attr = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $attr ); /* If the width is less than 1 or there is no caption, return the content wrapped between the [caption]< tags. */ if ( 1 > $attr['width'] || empty( $attr['caption'] ) ) return $content; /* Set up the attributes for the caption
. */ $attributes = ' class="figure ' . esc_attr( $attr['align'] ) . '"'; /* Open the caption
. */ $output = ''; /* Allow shortcodes for the content the caption was created for. */ $output .= do_shortcode( $content ); /* Append the caption text. */ $output .= '
' . $attr['caption'] . '
'; /* Close the caption
. */ $output .= ''; /* Return the formatted, clean caption. */ return $output; } /* end magnificient_cleaner_caption */ } // Clean the output of attributes of images in editor. Courtesy of SitePoint. http://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-change-img-tag-html/ if( ! function_exists( 'magnificient_image_tag_class ' ) ) { function magnificient_image_tag_class($class, $id, $align, $size) { $align = 'align' . esc_attr($align); return $align; } /* end magnificient_image_tag_class */ } // Remove width and height in editor, for a better responsive world. if( ! function_exists( 'magnificient_image_editor ' ) ) { function magnificient_image_editor($html, $id, $alt, $title) { return preg_replace(array( '/\s+width="\d+"/i', '/\s+height="\d+"/i', '/alt=""/i' ), array( '', '', '', 'alt="' . $title . '"' ), $html); } /* end magnificient_image_editor */ } // Wrap images with figure tag. Courtesy of Interconnectit http://interconnectit.com/2175/how-to-remove-p-tags-from-images-in-wordpress/ if( ! function_exists( 'magnificient_img_unautop ' ) ) { function magnificient_img_unautop($pee) { $pee = preg_replace('/

\\s*?(<\\/a>|)?\\s*<\\/p>/s', '

', $pee); return $pee; } /* end magnificient_img_unautop */ } ?>