slider ) || empty( $maghoot_theme->slider ) ) return; // Ok, so we have a slider to show. Now, lets display the slider. /* Let developers alter slider via global $maghoot_theme */ do_action( 'maghoot_slider_start', 'html' ); /* Create Data attributes for javascript settings for this slider */ $atts = $class = $gridstyle = ''; if ( isset( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings ) && is_array( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings ) ) { if ( !empty( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['class'] ) ) $class .= ' ' . sanitize_html_class( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['class'] ); if ( !empty( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['id'] ) ) $atts .= ' id="' . sanitize_html_class( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['id'] ) . '"'; foreach ( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings as $setting => $value ) $atts .= ' data-' . $setting . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"'; if ( !empty( $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['min_height'] ) ) { // use height instead of min-height (firefox) $gridstylearray = $hybridextend_style_builder->css_rule_sanitized_array( 'height', $maghoot_theme->sliderSettings['min_height'] . 'px' ); if( is_array( $gridstylearray ) ) { foreach ( $gridstylearray as $property => $value ) { $gridstyle .= " $property: " . $value['value'] . ';'; } } } } /* Start Slider Template */ $slide_count = 1; ?>