esc_html__( 'Core Settings', 'lsx' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Change the core settings.', 'lsx' ), 'priority' => 21 ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_lazyload_status'] = array( 'default' => '1', 'sanitize_callback' => 'lsx_sanitize_checkbox', 'transport' => 'postMessage', ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_lazyload_status'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Lazy Loading Images', 'lsx' ), 'section' => 'lsx-core', 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_preloader_content_status'] = array( 'default' => '1', 'sanitize_callback' => 'lsx_sanitize_checkbox', 'transport' => 'postMessage', ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_preloader_content_status'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Preloader Content', 'lsx' ), 'section' => 'lsx-core', 'type' => 'checkbox', ); return $lsx_controls; } add_filter( 'lsx_customizer_controls', 'lsx_customizer_core_controls' ); /** * Returns an array of the layout panel. * * @package lsx * @subpackage functions * @category customizer * @return $lsx_controls array() */ function lsx_customizer_layout_controls($lsx_controls) { $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_header_layout'] = array( 'default' => 'inline', //Default setting/value to save 'type' => 'theme_mod', //Is this an 'option' or a 'theme_mod'? 'transport' => 'postMessage', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)? ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_header_layout'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__('Header','lsx'), 'section' => 'lsx-layout', 'control' => 'LSX_Customize_Header_Layout_Control', 'choices' => array('central','expanded','inline') ); $lsx_controls['sections']['lsx-layout'] = array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Layout', 'lsx' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Change the layout sitewide. If your homepage is set to use a page with a template, the following will not apply to it.', 'lsx' ), 'priority' => 22 ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_layout'] = array( 'default' => '2cr', //Default setting/value to save 'type' => 'theme_mod', //Is this an 'option' or a 'theme_mod'? 'transport' => 'refresh', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)? ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_header_fixed'] = array( 'default' => false, //Default setting/value to save 'sanitize_callback' => 'lsx_sanitize_checkbox', 'transport' => 'postMessage', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)? ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_header_fixed'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__('Fixed Header','lsx'), 'section' => 'lsx-layout', 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_header_search'] = array( 'default' => false, //Default setting/value to save 'sanitize_callback' => 'lsx_sanitize_checkbox', 'transport' => 'postMessage', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)? ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_header_search'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__('Search Box in Header','lsx'), 'section' => 'lsx-layout', 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_layout'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__('Body','lsx'), 'section' => 'lsx-layout', 'control' => 'LSX_Customize_Layout_Control', 'choices' => array('1c','2cr','2cl') ); return $lsx_controls; } add_filter('lsx_customizer_controls','lsx_customizer_layout_controls'); /** * Returns an array of the font controls. * * @package lsx * @subpackage functions * @category customizer * @return $lsx_controls array() */ function lsx_customizer_font_controls($lsx_controls) { $lsx_controls['sections']['lsx-font'] = array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Font', 'lsx' ), 'description' => 'Change the fonts sitewide.', 'priority' => 41 ); $lsx_controls['settings']['lsx_font'] = array( 'default' => 'raleway_open_sans', //Default setting/value to save 'type' => 'theme_mod', //Is this an 'option' or a 'theme_mod'? 'transport' => 'refresh', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)? ); /// add the control $lsx_controls['fields']['lsx_font'] = array( 'label' => '', 'section' => 'lsx-font', 'settings' => 'lsx_font', 'control' => 'LSX_Customize_Font_Control', 'choices' => array( 'raleway_open_sans' => array( 'header' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Raleway', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Raleway", "cssDeclaration" => "'Raleway', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "raleway", ), 'body' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Open Sans', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Open+Sans", "cssDeclaration" => "'Open Sans', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "openSans" ), ), 'noto_serif_noto_sans' => array( 'header' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Noto Serif', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Noto+Serif", "cssDeclaration" => "'Noto Serif', serif", "cssClass" => "notoSerif", ), 'body' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Noto Sans', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Noto+Sans", "cssDeclaration" => "'Noto Sans', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "notoSans", ), ), 'noto_sans_noto_sans' => array( 'header' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Noto Sans', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Noto+Sans", "cssDeclaration" => "'Noto Sans', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "notoSans", ), 'body' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Noto Sans', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Noto+Sans", "cssDeclaration" => "'Noto Sans', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "notoSans", ), ), 'alegreya_open_sans' => array( 'header' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Alegreya', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Alegreya", "cssDeclaration" => "'Alegreya', serif", "cssClass" => "alegreya", ), 'body' => array( "title" => esc_html__( 'Open Sans', 'lsx' ), "location" => "Open+Sans", "cssDeclaration" => "'Open Sans', sans-serif", "cssClass" => "openSans" ), ), ), 'priority' => 2, ); return $lsx_controls; } add_filter('lsx_customizer_controls','lsx_customizer_font_controls'); /** * Returns an array of $controls for the customizer class to generate. * * @package lsx * @subpackage functions * @category customizer * @return $lsx_controls array() */ function lsx_get_customizer_controls(){ $lsx_controls = array(); $lsx_controls = apply_filters('lsx_customizer_controls', $lsx_controls); return $lsx_controls; } $lsx_customizer = new LSX_Theme_Customizer( lsx_get_customizer_controls() ); add_image_size( 'lsx-thumbnail-wide', 350, 230, true ); add_image_size( 'lsx-thumbnail-single', 750, 350, true );