== Changelog == = Theme Name: local-business lite * Version: 2.0.6 *************************************** * Support Link Button Added In WordPress Customize * Version: 2.0.5 *************************************** * Theme option to WordPress customizer API migration. * Version: 2.0.4 *************************************** 1. Theme check issue fixed. 2. All text domain matched with theme directory. 3. Language .pot file matched with text domain. 4. Use add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ) with after_theme_setup hook and removed title tag from header.php. 5. Escaped Some Hard coded link. * Version: 2.0.3 *************************************** 1. An Error From Option Framework Removed 2. front page file updated. * Version: 2.0.2 *************************************** 1. Theme Option File Updated * Version: 2.0.1 *************************************** 1. Theme Design Updated 2. Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. 3. Some Unused Code Removed. * Version: 2.0 *************************************** 1. localbusiness_wp_enqueue_scripts() hooked to wp_enqueue_scripts. 2. Deprecated php function error fixed. 4. Theme url issue fixed. 5. Google analytics option removed. 6. All supporting function are hooked to after_setup_theme hook. 7. Removed function exist wrapper. 8. Removed wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); 9. Escaped all urls. 10.wp_title filtered with additional content. 11.wp_print_scripts('comment-reply') changed to wp_enqueue_script('comment-reply'); and removed from header.php 12.Removed iframe from sidebar-footer.php. 13.Site title and site description added in header, if site logo uploaded via theme option, site title and description will be disappeared. * Version: 1.1.9 *************************************** 1. Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. * Version: 1.1.8 *************************************** 1. Copyright declaration issue fixed. * Version: 1.1.7 *************************************** 1. Theme license issue fixed. * Version: 1.1.6 *************************************** 1. Pagination added. 2. Footer description changed. * Version: 1.1.5 *************************************** 1. Fullwidth page added. 2. Upload button style issue in theme option panel, fixed. * Version: 1.1.4 *************************************** 1. Code Aligned and generic logo used in theme. * Version: 1.1.3 *************************************** 1. Deprecated function image_resize() fixed. 2. Themes must not use theme specific logo by default fixed. * Version: 1.1.2 *************************************** 1. Custom background option has to be use WordPress core function, fixed. 2.Credit links should not be in a way that they get SEO benefits. (Wordpress is spelled wrong anyway) fixed. * Version: 1.1.1 *************************************** 1. Undefined index id error now fixed. 2. Removed @package WordPress. 3. Removed Twenty_Eleven reference. * Version: 1.0.0 *************************************** 1. local-business Theme is created on 10/10/2012.