'; printf( __( 'The installed theme requires Gutenberg version %s or higher.', 'livro' ), $version ); echo '

'; } function show_admin_messages() { $metadata = file_get_contents( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css' ); preg_match( '/(?<=Requires Gutenberg:).+/', $metadata, $match ); if ( 0 === sizeof( $match ) ) { return; // Gutenberg is not required } $version = trim( $match[0] ); if ( ! defined( 'IS_GUTENBERG_PLUGIN' ) ) { print_admin_message( $version ); // Gutenberg is not activated return; } // Determine Gutenberg version from defined constant if ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) ) { if ( version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, $version ) < 0 ) { print_admin_message( $version ); } return; } // We have confirmed that Gutenberg is installed and activated, however we cannot use the GUTENBERG_VERSION constant // (probably because we are in development mode) // we'll use the metadata from get_plugins() to determine the version of Gutenberg $plugins = get_plugins(); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { if ( 'Gutenberg' === $plugin['Name'] ) { if ( version_compare( trim( $plugin['Version'] ), $version ) < 0 ) { print_admin_message( $version ); } return; } } // We weren't able to confirm the version, however we do know that it's installed and activated so we'll just hope for the best! }