Theme Name: LikeAWiki Description: Looks like a wiki. Author: Larry Judd Oliver - Tradesouthwest == Additional License Information == * HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed * Image for default header by Larry Judd | @tradesouthwest | GPL2 Licensed === Notes === * Some content will disappear or change sizes at smaller screen width, such as tool bar and logo * Some content will change position at smaller screen widhts, such as log will move to bottom of screen * There are some options in the functions file to change the way the breadcrumbs behave, like s"show breadcrumbs on home page" for example. == Change Log == = 0.1 = Feb. 25th 2015 * first release = 0.2 = Mar. 6th, 2015 * fixed clear floats * added pagination * added styles to metadata and entry footers * reworked "tools" div * fixed some responsive screen calls * made header smaller * removed default background image * added title attribute and title-tag support * fixed screen reader text div = 0.3 = * moved theme support scripts inside of theme setup = 0.4 = * updated theme uri = 0.5 = * Aug 19th 2015 * fixed secondary navigation z-index = 0.6 = * Nov 27th 2015 * provided new uri for theme