== Changelog == = 1.0 - Nov 28 2016 = * Updated: Rewrote some of the code to optimize load time * Updated: Fixed some minor customization bugs * Updated: Improved Theme Documentation * Updated: User can now change colors of top widgets * Updated: User can now change colors of bottom widgets * Updated: Made new and better theme documentation * Updated: User can now change author byline color on blog feed and post/pages * Updated: User can now change sidebar headline color * Updated: Sections, made them more userfriendly * Updated: Chaging color on sidebar has been improved * Updated: Images have been optimized so they fill less * Updated: Mobile navigation design * Updated: Desktop dropdown design * Updated: Next/Prev button design * Fixed: Render blocking JS fixed * Fixed: Scripts moved to footer * Fixed: CSS is loaded correctly * Fixed: Scripts and styles is now minified * Fixed: Size content to viewport * Fixed: Double H1 issue (Critical for SEO) * Fixed: H2 as website description (Critical for SEO) * Fixed: H2 being output before H1 (Critical for SEO) * Fixed: critical CSS bugs * Fixed: critical responsive issues * Fixed: so no content are ever hidden (Critical for SEO) * Fixed: Re-coded CSS to make it modern and more flexible with different types of content * Fixed: Header now works with any size of image and on every screen size, also beyond 1600px * Fixed: Nav is now proper responsive and can contain a lot more menu links without breaking * Fixed: Next / previous post ordering * Fixed: Mobile navigation * Added: TGM * Added: recommended plugins for pagespeed: WP Super Cache, Autoptimize * Added: recommended plugins for SEO: WordPress SEO by Yoast * Added: meta which automatically outputs correct language data, based on the language set in General Settings * Added: the abbility to upload a logo to the website, which is placed beside the logo text in the top navigation * Added: Size tap targets appropriately fixed, theme now hits 100/100 on Google Insight * Added: fallbacks in case user does not want to use Google fonts for Pagespeed reasons * Added: Text rendering, antialiased, optimizeLegibility * Added: Navigation now animates on scroll * Added: More fonts * Added: New JS file, lighthouse.js * Added: New top footer section * Added: Nooter widgets and content (Links, text, img & much more) * Added: Footer widgets (Footer widget left, middle and right) * Added: New Templates * Added: Full width template * Added: More custom header images * Added: Custom pages * Added: Feature where user can choose background color on footer widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose footer widget title colors * Added: Feature where user can choose footer copyright section background color * Added: Feature where user can choose footer copyright section text color * Added: Feature where user can choose sidebar background color * Added: Feature where user can choose sidebar headline text color * Added: Feature where user can choose sidebar link text color * Added: Feature where user can choose sidebar link border color * Added: Feature where user can choose navigation background color * Added: Feature where user can choose navigation link color * Added: Feature where user can choose navigation logo color * Added: Feature where user can choose post & page headline color * Added: Feature where user can choose post & page content color * Added: Feature where user can choose post & page author byline color * Added: Added & designed new widget: Top left * Added: Added & designed new widget: Top middle * Added: Added & designed new widget: Top right * Added: Added & designed new widget: Bottom left * Added: Added & designed new widget: Bottom middle * Added: Added & designed new widget: Bottom right * Added: Feature where user can choose title color on top widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose content color on top widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose background color on top widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose title color on bottom widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose content color on bottom widgets * Added: Feature where user can choose background color on bottom widgets * Added: Feature where user can add custom css * Added: Lighthouse about page * Added: Lighthouse F.A.Q and documentation * Changed: Typography & alignment * Changed: Recent post design * Changed: Full navigation redesign * Changed: Header tweaks & changes to the design * Changed: H1 border bottom design * Changed: All Colors * Changed: Hover colors * Changed: Full redesign on all buttons * Changed: Box shadows * Changed: Lesser design changes on blog * Changed: Reordered content on blog posts * Changed: Lesser design changes on blog posts * Changed: Full comments & post comment form redesign * Changed: Redesigned quotes * Changed: Redesigned widget * Changed: Redesigned sidebar widget titles * Changed: Redesigned sidebar widget * Changed: Redesigned search element * Changed: Redesigned footer * Changed: Designed new top footer section * Changed: Designed footer widgets and content (Links, text, img & much more) * Changed: Suggested header image