=== Lectura Lite === Contributors: academiathemes Author: AcademiaThemes Version: 1.3.6 Tested up to: 5.5.3 Requires PHP: 5.6 Requires at least: 5.0 Stable tag: 1.3.6 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html == Description == Lectura Lite is a fast, clean and mobile friendly (responsive) WordPress theme. It works well with page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, Brizy, Divi, SiteOrigin, etc. Lectura Lite theme is best used to create a website for a school, university, kindergarten, church, museum, city hall, local government office, NGO, nonprofit or different education institutions. Other features include: Responsive Design; Mobile Menu; Blog ready; SEO code; Custom Widgets; Color Customization; Layout Settings; Translation Ready; Regular updates. Check out the theme's demo and video tutorial here: https://www.academiathemes.com/free-wordpress-themes/lectura-lite/ For more information about Lectura Lite please go to https://www.academiathemes.com/themes/lectura-lite/ == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button. 2. Type in Lectura Lite in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. 3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away. 4. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste. == Copyright == Lectura Lite WordPress Theme, Copyright (c) 2020, AcademiaThemes.com Lectura Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Lectura Lite Theme bundles the following third-party resources: Superfish - http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/ License: Distributed under the MIT and GPL licenses Copyright: Joel Birch FlexSlider - http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/ License: Distributed under the terms of the GPL Copyright: WooThemes, WooThemes.com veinjs - https://github.com/israelidanny/veinjs License: MIT Copyright: Copyright (c) 2014 Danny Povolotski * FitVids.js by davatron5000. License: WTFPL license. Source: https://github.com/davatron5000/FitVids.js Photo credits ** https://pxhere.com/en/photo/559565/ ** https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1067690 ** https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1055205 ** https://pxhere.com/en/photo/948619 == Changelog == = Version 1.3.6 - 2020-12-10 = * Fixed the issue with marking posts as Featured for users using the Visual Editor. = Version 1.3.5 - 2020-11-25 = * Fixed the appearance of the Skip to Content screen-reader anchor. = Version 1.3.4 - 2020-11-25 = * Added FitVids to the theme. = Version 1.3.3 - 2020-11-12 = * Improved the theme's description. = Version 1.3.2 - 2020-10-13 = * Minor code corrections and fixed. = Version 1.3.1 - 2020-09-17 = * Replaced photos in screenshot.jpg = Version 1.3.0 - 2020-09-17 = * Some styling adjustments and improvements. * A major code clean-up. * New Customize options. * New Theme page in the Dashboard. = Version 1.2.0 - 2017-03-14 = * Fixed bug with the homepage not displaying properly if a Static Page was chosen as the homepage. = Version 1.1.0 - 2017-02-23 = * Code adjustments and improvements. = Version 1.0.4 - 2016-11-23 = * Adjustments for WordPress.org compatibility. = Version 1.0.3 - 2015-09-29 = * Adjustments for WordPress.org compatibility. = Version 1.0.2 - 2015-09-22 = * Adjustments for WordPress.org compatibility. = Version 1.0.0 - 2015-08-01 = * Initial release.