get_slug(); /** * @var FS_Plugin_Tag $update */ $update = $fs->get_update( false, false ); $is_paying = $fs->is_paying(); $user = $fs->get_user(); $site = $fs->get_site(); $name = $user->get_name(); $license = $fs->_get_license(); $subscription = $fs->_get_subscription(); $plan = $fs->get_plan(); $is_active_subscription = ( is_object( $subscription ) && $subscription->is_active() ); $is_paid_trial = $fs->is_paid_trial(); $show_upgrade = ( $fs->has_paid_plan() && ! $is_paying && ! $is_paid_trial ); if ( $show_upgrade ) { $fs->_require_license_activation_dialog(); } ?>
is_verified() ) : ?>
is_trial() ) : ?>
is_lifetime() ) : ?>
is_first_payment_pending() ) : ?>
is_first_payment_pending() ) : ?>
is_trial() ) : ?>
is_free_plan() ? $fs->_get_available_premium_license() : false ?>
left() > 0 || ( $site->is_localhost() && $available_license->is_free_localhost ) ) ) : ?>
_get_plan_by_id( $available_license->plan_id ) ?>
has_paid_plan() ) : ?>
is_premium() ) : ?>
can_use_premium_code() ) : ?>
is_verified() ) : ?>
is_trial() ) : ?>
is_allowed_to_install() ) : ?>
is_trial() ? $trial_plan->title : $site->plan->title ) ) . ( is_object( $update ) ? ' [' . $update->version . ']' : '' ) ?>
get_plugin_basename() ), "upgrade-{$module_type}_" . $fs->get_plugin_basename() ) ?>">version . ']' ?>
secret_key ) && in_array( $p['id'], array(
) ) )
) : ?>
title ?> | get_site(); ?>id ?> | get_plugin_version() ?> | plan->name ) ? strtoupper( $addon_site->plan->title ) : 'FREE' ?> | is_trial() ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => __fs( 'trial', $slug ), 'type' => 'success' ); $tags[] = array( 'label' => sprintf( __fs( ( $is_paid_trial ? 'renews-in' : 'expires-in' ), $slug ), human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $site->trial_ends ) ) ), 'type' => ( $is_paid_trial ? 'success' : 'warn' ) ); } else { if ( is_object( $license ) ) { if ( $license->is_cancelled ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => __fs( 'cancelled', $slug ), 'type' => 'error' ); } else if ( $license->is_expired() ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => __fs( 'expired', $slug ), 'type' => 'error' ); } else if ( $license->is_lifetime() ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => __fs( 'no-expiration', $slug ), 'type' => 'success' ); } else if ( ! $is_active_subscription && ! $license->is_first_payment_pending() ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => sprintf( __fs( 'expires-in', $slug ), human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $license->expiration ) ) ), 'type' => 'warn' ); } else if ( $is_active_subscription && ! $subscription->is_first_payment_pending() ) { $tags[] = array( 'label' => sprintf( __fs( 'renews-in', $slug ), human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $subscription->next_payment ) ) ), 'type' => 'success' ); } } } foreach ( $tags as $t ) { printf( '' . "\n", $t['type'], $t['label'] ); } ?> | get_id(), 'account', 'deactivate_license', __fs( 'deactivate-license', $slug ), array( 'plugin_id' => $addon_id ), false ); } else if ( $is_paid_trial ) { $buttons[] = fs_ui_get_action_button( $fs->get_id(), 'account', 'cancel_trial', __fs( 'cancel-trial', $slug ), array( 'plugin_id' => $addon_id ), false, 'dashicons dashicons-download', __fs( 'cancel-trial-confirm', $slug ), 'POST' ); } else { $premium_license = $fs_addon->_get_available_premium_license(); if ( is_object( $premium_license ) ) { $site = $fs_addon->get_site(); $buttons[] = fs_ui_get_action_button( $fs->get_id(), 'account', 'activate_license', sprintf( __fs( 'activate-x-plan', $slug ), $fs_addon->get_plan_title(), ( $site->is_localhost() && $premium_license->is_free_localhost ) ? '[localhost]' : ( 1 < $premium_license->left() ? $premium_license->left() . ' left' : '' ) ), array( 'plugin_id' => $addon_id, 'license_id' => $premium_license->id, ) ); } } if ( 0 == count( $buttons ) ) { // Add sync license only if non of the other CTAs are visible. $buttons[] = fs_ui_get_action_button( $fs->get_id(), 'account', $fs->get_unique_affix() . '_sync_license', __fs( 'sync-license', $slug ), array( 'plugin_id' => $addon_id ), false ); } } else if ( ! $show_upgrade ) { if ( $fs->is_addon_installed( $addon_id ) ) { $addon_file = $fs->get_addon_basename( $addon_id ); $buttons[] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $addon_file, 'activate-plugin_' . $addon_file ), esc_attr( __fs( 'activate-this-addon', $slug ) ), __fs( 'activate', $slug ) ); } else { if ( $fs->is_allowed_to_install() ) { $buttons[] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=' . $addon->slug ), 'install-plugin_' . $addon->slug ), __fs( 'install-now', $slug ) ); } else { $buttons[] = sprintf( '%s', $fs->_get_latest_download_local_url( $addon_id ), __fs( 'download-latest', $slug ) ); } } } if ( $show_upgrade ) { $buttons[] = sprintf( ' %s', esc_url( network_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&parent_plugin_id=' . $fs->get_id() . '&plugin=' . $addon->slug . '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550' ) ), esc_attr( sprintf( __fs( 'more-information-about-x', $slug ), $addon->title ) ), esc_attr( $addon->title ), __fs( ( $fs_addon->has_free_plan() ? 'upgrade' : 'purchase' ), $slug ) ); } $buttons_count = count( $buttons ); ?>
1) : ?>
1) : ?>
is_addon_installed( $addon_id ) ) : ?> get_addon_basename( $addon_id ) ?> is_allowed_to_install() ) : ?> | get_id(), 'account', 'delete_account', __fs( 'delete', $slug ), array( 'plugin_id' => $addon_id ), false ); } ?> |